I'm getting this 404 error message ( screenshot https://capture.dropbox.com/idkpXR0yQWRooul7) when I check the page https://www.ralphkerlesart.com/artwork/p/yellow-dance-notation-1 with Ahrefs.
So, the page is live and kicking, but Ahrefs shows it as 404. I have already talked to Ahrefs tech support, and they told me that it's because my Squarespace-based site ( https://www.ralphkerlesart.com/ ) is blocking the Ahrefs crawler (AhrefsBot) from crawling it.
And they recommend whitelisting the following IPs:
How do I whitelist the IPs on my Squarespace-based site https://www.ralphkerlesart.com/ ?
Thank you.
Here's the reply from Ahrefs for your reference and more context: