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  1. Thank you very much my friend. Worked like a charm!
  2. Hi everyone, I used custom CSS to create a gradient effect for my H2 text, however, now in my testimonial carousel all of the text is also gradient even though it is paragraph 2 size, which I have in many other places in the site which are black. Only in the carousel is this gradient applied to paragraph sized font. Hoping someone has an idea of how to correct this issue. The website link is below and the carousel is at the very bottom of the page. The code I used for the gradient is as follows: h2 {background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, blue, aqua);-webkit-background-clip: text;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;}h1:hover {background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, aqua, blue);-webkit-background-clip: text;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;} www.myvitaminscore.com/homeold
  3. IT WORKED! Thank you so much, truly appreciated Lesum. Thats awesome, who knew it needed all this coding just for a button lol.
  4. Thank you so much for the detailed reply. Unfortunately, adding this code actually made it worse. I have left your code in for now so you are able to look again, but not sure what is happening here. The button is overlapped even more now.
  5. Thanks for the reply Ziggy www.myvitaminscore.com password: 1234
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