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Everything posted by CMDesign_RidgeMeadows

  1. I am working on three different (but just duplicated) landing pages - one is christmasinportmoody.ca one is christmasincoquitlam.ca and one is cachristmas.ca (still waiting on that domain to connect, so for now it's ladybug-copper-ry3g.squarespace.com). For all three of these landing pages, I would really like to be able to link the logos in the headers to redirect back to the main website of the company these are for: cachurch.ca I can't find any forums that have this question answered anytime past 2015 so hoping for some refreshed help in 2023! I am on a personal plan with all three landing pages so I can put code in the Custom CSS just not the Code Injection. Thanks!
  2. Hi there! I tried out this solution and it almost fully worked for me, the issue is that it leaves a big blank space where the photo would be on the mobile view - any suggestions on how to get rid of the blank space too? webpage I am doing this on is: https://www.handleandhone.com/website-copy-audits
  3. Ah dang, it WAS working on the form header too but I just realized after posting that screen grab that it stopped working there as well, so I guess just overall I need help custom styling ALL the font for all of the newsletter block
  4. Hello! I am updating a website for a client by implementing all her new branding (I am not a web designer) and globally across her site she has in her footer a Newsletter sign up block that I have managed to change the header title font but I can't seem to get the form field text and the button font to change to the same font ('Avenir Light') I have tried .newsletter-block .newsletter-form-button { font-family: 'Avenir Light'; } and .newsletter-block .newsletter-form-text { font-family: 'Avenir Light'; } and it didn't do anything... Thanks in advanced! The website is https://www.handleandhone.com/
  5. Hi all! I am working with someone's website that did start from a template they purchased and I'm just looking to update all their fonts and colours to match their current branding. I've changed the default font for the buttons globally across the site, and have also successfully changed the font of the site header text as well, but the site header button I just cannot figure out how to get to listen! The website is https://www.handleandhone.com/ .header-nav-item a { font-family: 'Avenir Light' !important; } Worked for the header text but not the button, and there is some code in the custom CSS from I think the template she purchased and I don't know if that's effecting things at all... //FIXED HEADER NO BACKGROUND// .header {background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)!important;}
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