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  1. What a rock star of the code you are ! 🚀 Thank you !
  2. And the Phone display is messy, should I tweak the css ? The best for me would to have the possibility to hide it on mobile devices. Thanks a lot.
  3. Wahou excellent ! Thanks ! The only issue I have now is that the menu is also in the footer in the main page, but not in the product pages, strange !
  4. Excellent ! Thanks ! Indeed it works, I do have now "all / Camera / lenses" on the top menu and the link did work. Could you explain me how I do to manage the content of this menu ? Because now I have more categories pages, and I have sub-categories. My main goal is to reduce the number of click for the customer, so when he click on a item in a sub-category page, he can either go back to the sub-categorie page or to another category with one click... So if I go to lens/Super35 and I click on the Leica Item, I would love to have access on this product page to the the full drop-down menu. I hope it make sense to you. Thanks a lot for your work.
  5. Thank you, I just did it but nothing happen.
  6. Thank you a lot @tuanphan but I don't have access to code injection since I'm on a "personal" plan. I will discuss with my the utility of paying 6$ more per month just for this feature but I don't think it worth it.
  7. Hello @tuanphan, thanks a lot to have a look, indeed it will help me a lot ! Here is the product page : https://camescoop.squarespace.com/gear/p/leica-summicron pw: CCCP
  8. Thank you for your answer. I could be ok with a full category menu on top too, but I can't find a way to keep the menu on the product page either ! 🤷‍♂️
  9. Sure ! https://hexagon-clavichord-jmd3.squarespace.com/gear/p/zooms-pictor?p?p?p?p pw = test1
  10. Hello, I put an image with a white background in the "Additional Info" field in a product and in turn out to be grey ! Does somenone know how to avoid this ? Thanks a lot !
  11. Hello ! Is there a way to keep the left side shop category navigation menu in the product page ? I'm not speaking about bearcrumbs, but the all menu. This would be very nice if my users could go from a product page to another category without going back to previous page. Thanks ! Actually it look like this : I would like to look like this (done in photoshop) :
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