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Everything posted by sgourdon

  1. How do I add a chat box feature on the pages of my website like this one: Healing From Trauma | A Sacred Space Trauma Recovery Coaching Is it free? Does anyone have a free widget or code for me to inject? Thanks so much for your help! Sophie
  2. Thanks so much, Tuan, I'll work on it this week, fingers crossed that it works, I'll be in touch to let you know!
  3. I'm building a newsletter for where I just want "First Name" and "Email" as fields, but not Last Name. Thank you so much!!
  4. Once everything is all set up nice and positioned properly in desktop view, I got to cell phone view and all my images are in different place. So I move them to their proper position in cell phone view but when I'm back to desktop view, now there are in the wrong position there. So frustration and don't know how to fix this!!! Does anyone know? Thanks so much
  5. Here's what I would love to get the code for. It's a player that plays 5 songs I think. It looks so seamless, minimalist, and allows visitors to be in full control over their own experience: https://annvoskamp.com/2023/10/in-transition-brokenness-this-strange-masterpiece-of-art-is-always-happening-in-your-life/ And here's my website: https://rhino-parakeet-9xcy.squarespace.com/ Password: sophie Thanks so much!!
  6. Hi Tuan, I found the exact code/effect I want on Codepen. It's a beautiful fireflies effect. It has three code components: HTML, CSS, and JS. I tried to copy and paste the three codes with no luck but not sure I copied/pasted onto the right places as I have no idea what I'm doing: I tried to copy it in the Custom CSS and the Code Injection, and also under the specific pages I want it on and then also under Advanced for these two pages because I only want the fireflies on two pages (I believe Code Injection would put it on all pages, even though so far, it didn't show up on any). Here's the code (html + CSS + JS) from Codepen: https://codepen.io/mikegolus/pen/Jegvym Here are the two pages I'm trying to have the fireflies effect on (but without the forest background they're showing, I just want to use the effect on my own background): https://rhino-parakeet-9xcy.squarespace.com/6-week-complex-trauma-recovery-breakthrough-plan (password: sophie) https://rhino-parakeet-9xcy.squarespace.com/free-discovery-call Thank you so much!! Sophie
  7. This effect is gorgeous and I would LOVE to have something similar on my site. Do you know how to get 3D effect on a web page? Please let me know!!! I have no coding experience so I have no idea how this person got it there, maybe it's a wix thing? Thanks so much!! https://elvenlightpath.wixsite.com/elvenwisdomandlove
  8. https://rhino-parakeet-9xcy.squarespace.com/config/ password: sophie Thank you!
  9. Can anyone have a look at the part of my page that has the two columns with icons and texts and tell me how to create perfect alignment? What's the trick to make both columns icon/text alignment match? Thanks so much!!!
  10. Thanks so much, Cass, I got it! The missing step was: Edit Site Palette.
  11. Hi Cass, Unless I misunderstood your instructions, it didn't work. I went to paintbrush, colors, and then went to the desired color but when right-clicking, the copy function doesn't pop up so I couldn't copy anything. Is there another way? Did I miss a step? Thank you! Sophie
  12. I'd like the match my two logos to the exact colors of my website. Right now, it's a similar blue and grey but we can definitely tell the Hex# is different. Could you tell me where to find the Hex# of my website colors so I can redo my logos with the exact same colors? Also, as you go to my site, if you have an inkling to browse for a bit, I'd love to get feedback on it, any suggestions are welcome and very appreciate!! 🙂 https://rhino-parakeet-9xcy.squarespace.com/config/ (password: sophie) Thanks so much! Sophie
  13. So you're saying we can only add the search block to footer? Is there any way to add it to the navigation menu instead? I'm not sure what you mean by sharing the site url? Yes, if you have some code to add in a search, I'd like that, thank you!
  14. Hi Jessica, Ok, I think I understand and changed it. Do it look better now? I actually like the feel of it better, you're right, it's much more digestible when presented this way, thanks so much!!
  15. OK, I'm done, I think I follow all your directions!!! What do you think? Looking better now? 🙂 Thanks so much again for spending the time to help me out, Jessica, I'm truly grateful for it!! Sophie
  16. Hey Jessica, I wasn't sure what you meant by that? Did you mean a new web page for it?
  17. Hi Jessica, I'll get back to you soon with a longer response, I just want you to know that I've been hard at work making changes based on your feedback, thank you so so much, everything you've said and picked up on is so helpful to me as I am new to all of this!!! I appreciate you taking the time to give me such specific, actionable pointers to work on!!
  18. Does anyone know how to center the navigation menu and increase spacing between menu items? Also, when clicking on the drop down menu, it gives this clunky "white rectangle" appearance. Any design item to fix this? Password to access my website is sophie. Website: https://rhino-parakeet-9xcy.squarespace.com/ Thanks so much! Sophie
  19. I love the sleek audio button look on this website and would love to achieve the same: five songs playing seamlessly with no displayed playlist. It would also be nice if it started playing automatically just on the homepage, and that it could be paused by the visitor if desired. Anyone has any idea how to do that? https://annvoskamp.com/2023/09/want-wisdom-a-wise-home-start-here/ My other question is that on the same website, I love the Search symbol to the right on the header. When you click on the magnifying glass symbol, the whole menu disappears and is replaced by a search bar. Does anyone have a code for that? https://annvoskamp.com/2023/09/want-wisdom-a-wise-home-start-here/ Thank you so much!!! Sophie
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