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  1. @Ziggy yes!!! that worked perfect. thank you very much!!
  2. @Ziggy Thank you! It did work to remove the spaces on both sides; it also removed the scrolling block I had below the site header tho. To replace that I added an announcement bar at the top of the site. I was wondering if there's anyway to make the same infinite loop effect i had in the scrolling block? Like this: Screen Recording 2023-09-14 at 21.07.11.mov
  3. @Ziggy it moved it to the top but didn't do anything at the sides 😞
  4. hello! can someone please tell me if its possible to remove the space on the sides of my homescreen image? thank you! my site is theinbloomstudio.com
  5. @tuanphan Hi! i was trying the codes above and it didn't work for my site, would you please help me center mine in one line? also is it posible to remove the spaces on the sides of the first homepage picture? my website is theinbloomstudio.com thank you so much
  6. @Lesum yes!! it worked perfect. Thank you so much!! Just another question: is it possible to add weight to the font of the placeholders on the form fields? It is too light and I'd like it to be bold or medium. Thanks again!!
  7. @Lesum I tried this new code and it didn't work, this is my website https://www.theinbloomstudio.com and the password is lemonsherbet Thank you!
  8. @Lesum Hello! thank you, I had the same issue. I used the code you answered in a different question for removing the space between form fields, but then my checkboxes were removed. (I want to use my checkbox as a requirement to submit a form, as a way for the customer to acknowledge my refund policy). Everything was ok, but when I toggle on the "required" option it adds an extra blank space between this check box and the rest of the form fields. I also have a code to make the "required" word invisible, so it probably may be related to that? Thank you!
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