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Everything posted by EC2410

  1. @tuanphan thanks - it's almost fixed. The problem is now I can't select the burger menu on mobile, and the menu colour doesn't change on scroll (goes from transparent to purple - #251940 )
  2. @tuanphan do you have a solution?
  3. It's across the whole website - it's only showing the background
  4. Hi, I have a problem with a clients website in mobile - it's showing sections / images but nothing else (meus, headings, text etc). How is it possible to fix? Website working fine on desktop. Also has working perfectly on mobile before - only recently stopped working. Have attached a screenshot for reference. Thanks
  5. I'm wondering if it's possible to see the channel / source of appointments book on Squarespace / Acuity Scheduling? All of the appointments booked online show as 'Direct' in GA4 but I know this is not the case (as have tested coming through Organic Search & Google Ads). I would like to know how many appointments are being booked from a source channel (such as direct, Google Ads, Organic Search, social etc) as well as the value of these appointment. I have set up the GA4 integration but it doesn't seem to work well. I didn't have this problem with UA.
  6. Hi @tuanphan, I tried with this code: //NAVIGATION// .header-announcement-bar-wrapper.shrink { background: #251940 !important; } .title-nav-wrapper.shrink { padding-top: 5px !important; padding-bottom: 5px !important } header#header img { transition: all 0.1s; } header#header.shrink img { max-height: 70px; transition: all 0.1s; } It worked on the home page (https://www.massage1936.com/) but not on some (the clinic page for example: https://www.massage1936.com/clinic ) I would like it to be as it is on the homepage across the whole site. Many thanks
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