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Everything posted by jbholsters

  1. I'm trying to figure out a code to put translucent circles behind the arrows for the product gallery icons. I found a code that makes squares and a code to make the arrows bold. I'd really like them round. Or, better still can a border be put around the arrows? Like a white border and a black arrow. If none of that is possible, is it possible to move the arrows to either side of the image?
  2. Tuanphan, that worked great. I tweaked the code so it works for both desktop and mobile. Seems to be working fine with both. Thanks!!! @media screen { [data-section-id="650104134757da31113891f2"] { min-height: Unset !important; height: .8vh !important; } } Any ideas about the roll over color in that mega menu?
  3. I appreciate your informative response. I currently have it set up on my Google Console. Yesterday, I initiated a re-indexing process for the website, as its structure has changed since it was hosted elsewhere. Additionally, a few days ago, I submitted a request for it to crawl the site, so I am awaiting that process to be completed as well. Thank you.
  4. Sorry to ask such a basic question. I am just moving my site to Square Space and never got in the weeks with SEO before. My site is an online catalog. So it goes from Home>categories page>detailed item page. I'd like search engines to ignore the detail pages as I'm afraid I will be cannibalizing keywords. So...there is an option in SEO setting for each page to have search engines ignore a page. My long winded question is, would it be okay to use that option on the detailed item pages, or would it be better to add canonicals to the header of each of those pages redirecting back to the main categories. One other thing. When viewing page source for any of the pages they all have self Canonical tags. (I guess square space automatically applies them) It's my understanding to not have 2 canonical tags on a page. So if i were to use a tag to redirect an item page back to a menu pages, wouldn't that mean that page has 2 tags? My understanding is if it has 2 tags, google ignores both. Thank you.
  5. sure. https://www.bulman-gunleather.com/ This is the section on the home page: section[data-section-id="650104134757da31113891f2"] The one above was from a different page but they are the same. I have one on every page that has a large photo right below the nav menu. The other option I guess would be to add a white block to the top of the photo that is the height of the menu. But not sure if that would get funky when viewed on certain tablets and/or phones. Figured if I could get that section basically no height it would be better. One other question since I have ya. I have CSS so that links in the header menu change color on rollover, but I can't get that code to work for my mega menu. Any help with that would be fantastic as well I want the roll over color to be #AE8932 The section for the mega menu is: section[data-section-id="64fdfd78bc5e31346301519b"] Thanks!
  6. so I have a section element: section[data-section-id="6500cf46b05002592d3d8b5f"] that I am using to keep a photo from going behind the header nav. I would like to decrease the padding/block height inside that section to less than 1 block high. I've tried a few codes from searching on here but I can't seem to get them to do what I want. Anyone have any ideas? thank you
  7. thanks for responding. I may hold off on that. I do have another issue I'm trying to figure out. I did a mega menu and want to have color change on the text links on roll over. The mega menu is below my visible footer, in the footer section. I've tried CSS for the footer but it doesn't seem to be working. The code I used is /* footer links hover color */ footer.sections a:hover { color: #AE9832 !important; } I also tried this. .footer-nav a:hover{ color: #ae8932! Important; font-weight:bold} both work for the test links in the actual footer but not the menu here is the link to the site: https://saxophone-frog-gkse.squarespace.com/
  8. Is there a way to add navigational bread crumbs to a non e-commerce section of a website. Most of my site will just be a catalog for customers to educate themselves on my products. I thought it would be helpful to have breadcrumbs for each page so they can more easily navigate. I haven't really found any options hiding to turn this on. Is it possible to do this with code blocks or CSS?
  9. I would like the background for simple gallery arrows to extend the height of photos (instead of the little square box behind arrows) so kind of a rectangle. This is for a gallery section not block. I want to keep the background the same as the default (white-medium opacity). Can't find any CSS for this in a search. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Hello, new here. I've been playing around with the template designing my site to replace one on another host. My issue is I can not get ANY CSS codes to work. Is there some setting I an missing or something I need to change a setting in? Super confusing and frustrating
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