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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in Delete popup code from site so Mailchimp popup shows   
    @amacc_email There isn't any particular Squarespace popup form code that needs to be removed for the Mailchimp popup form to show. Unless there's some external added code conflicting with the Mailchimp code, there shouldn't be a need to delete any code related to the Squarespace popup form. I've added Mailchimp popup forms multiple times in the past without having to remove any Squarespace popup form code. Hope that helps!
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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in Remove lines below footer links only   
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    Joanna1321 got a reaction from Lesum in Remove lines below footer links only   
    Legend! Thank you!
  4. Thanks
    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in Remove lines below footer links only   
    @Joanna1321 Here's a code snippet to try:
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p { -webkit-text-decoration-color: #FFFF00; text-decoration-color: #FFFF00; }
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    Joanna1321 got a reaction from Lesum in Remove lines below footer links only   
    Thank you for the quick response! It worked. 
  6. Thanks
    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in Remove lines below footer links only   
    footer p { text-decoration: none !important; }  Yes, it can be done with custom CSS. You can try this code snippet:
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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in How to change the carousel list section title to a smaller text size?   
    Hi, you didn't share your website URL. Here's a code snippet that will change the font size of the carousel title. If you could share your website URL, I can modify the code for your website. 
    .user-items-list .list-section-title { font-size: 2rem !important; }  
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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in Need to replace first slide background in a gallery slideshow reel with different image on mobile   
    Hi, Could you please remove your previous code and try this one?
    @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { section[data-section-id="64d029396c94d354c575f3ed"] .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slides .slide:nth-child(1) .list-slideshow-image { display: none !important; } section[data-section-id="64d029396c94d354c575f3ed"] .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slides .slide:nth-child(1) .slide-media-container { background: url("https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62b0db0c1be03b40824ca350/280dedfe-32a9-46c7-b179-2931011786e4/GRDM_logo_pres_final.jpg") !important; background-size: cover !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-position: center !important; } } Let me know how it goes. Thanks!
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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in Aligning Custom Tabs within Hero Section in Squarespace   
    @claudiaxinxi To get started, you can set up the header on Squarespace editor. Place the logo up top and align those navigation items at the bottom. To do this, just head to Edit Site Header > Desktop > Header Layout > Last option from the top.
    Next, for those rectangular shapes next to the header, you can add a background image with some custom CSS.
    For the table in the body section, you could use custom HTML & CSS. If you opt for an image of the table, it won't scale well on various screen sizes.
    Custom coding the entire thing can be time consuming. Thanks!
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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in My website displays differently depending on the device. Can I turn off Responsive Design?   
    @RagsRager The website should appear differently based on the screen size. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to disable responsive design. The concerns you mentioned, like words getting cut off in two lines, can usually be resolved by tweaking font styles within the Site Styles of the Squarespace editor. If the issue persists and can't be resolved through Squarespace settings, utilizing custom code might be a suitable solution for that specific problem. Hope that helps. Thanks!
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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in Summary Block Carousel + Override CSS page borders   
    @Corina You can add this code snippet under Website > Utilities > Website Tools > Custom CSS to remove the border
    header.summary-block-header { border-bottom: none !important; }  
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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in Display two columns in Simple List on mobile view only   
    Hi, you can change the image width in simple list with this code. Lets assume you want to reduce the width of the third image from 100% to 90%. 
    .user-items-list-simple li:nth-child(3) .list-image { width: 90% !important; } nth-child(3) part of the code indicates third image in the simple list. You can change the number according to your website. 
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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in Resize background image for mobile   
    @leilollipop Here's a code snippet to resize the background image on mobile: 
    @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { section[data-section-id="64b8b433fb273c29655e2385"] .section-background img { object-position: 80% 0% !important; } }  
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    Joanna1321 reacted to Lesum in How To Make Close "X" On A Image Block Page The Same As A Close "X" On A Gallery Page With CSS   
    @ec25 Here's a code snippet to try. Add the code under Website > Utilities > Website Tools > Custom CSS
    .sqs-lightbox-close:before { content: "" !important; background-image: url("https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/64bad3fff4ceb02764165fbd/ffbac58e-deb1-4ede-a73a-502d7f617311/close+icon.png") !important; background-size: 100% 100%; display: inline-block; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 20px !important; height: 20px !important; } Let me know how it goes. Thanks! 
  15. Thanks
    Joanna1321 got a reaction from Lesum in Display two columns in Simple List on mobile view only   
    It worked! Thank you!
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