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Everything posted by pdv2008

  1. Hi, Please tell me, in the header on the right side there is a button, it also has a negative margin, can I leave it like that or is there another solution?
  2. the text has changed, but if we select another button, the inscription will be again READ MORE the link to the site has changed https://seal-carnation-879a.squarespace.com/ pass:12345
  3. the link to the site has changed https://seal-carnation-879a.squarespace.com/ pass:12345
  4. Now in CSS it’s like this. @media screen and (max-width:767px) { video { height: 60vh !important; object-fit: cover !important; } } but after your code in the phone it still doesn’t play automatically. These pages have a video block at the beginning. https://turtle-broccoli-del8.squarespace.com/ and https://turtle-broccoli-del8.squarespace.com/the-7-frequencies pass: 12345
  5. The button has changed its name, great. Can we make it so that when we click on it we go to the anchor link - #purchase_block?
  6. Hi, how to check it? Now these are the settings. <center> <video autoplay="autoplay" loop="true" width=100%; height=100%; controls > <source src="https://theartofcommunication.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/7F_WEB_SLIDER_2.mp4"> </video> </center>
  7. thanks, this works too, but I used the answer from @Ziggy
  8. The location should be left as it is, but the logo should not overlap the navigation. Should I add a z-index with a "-" value to the logo?
  9. For some reason the link is no longer active when you hover over THE 7 FREQUENCIES What could it be? https://turtle-broccoli-del8.squarespace.com/ pass:12345
  10. Good afternoon! Is it possible to change the text in this button, instead of READ MORE there should be the word PURCHASE, and so that when clicked it goes to the block - #purchase_block? https://turtle-broccoli-del8.squarespace.com/the-7-frequencies pass:12345
  11. The video does not play automatically on the phone. Everything plays well on the Squarespace platform, it also plays in the browser, although it looks a little different, and it doesn’t play These pages have a video block at the beginning.automatically on the phone; I showed on the screen how it looks on different devices. These pages have a video block at the beginning. https://turtle-broccoli-del8.squarespace.com/ and https://turtle-broccoli-del8.squarespace.com/the-7-frequencies pass: 12345
  12. Good afternoon. Please see if this is how it should be done. https://oboe-gar-d5nr.squarespace.com/ password: 12345
  13. Good afternoon, can you tell me how to make such a slider on the home page?
  14. Thanks, are there any free plugins to do this?
  15. Someone came across such a slider, how to implement it? https://theartofcommunication.org/the-7-frequencies-of-communication/ section - LET'S BREAK IT DOWN
  16. None of this seems to work anymore.
  17. Hi all! Who can help to make such a form?
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