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Everything posted by identifyasaproblem

  1. Hi there, I am having issues making my first website. I used custom code to make my logo white on a page with black ground but now my paragraph text has disappeared. I have played around with the style menu and everything looks great in edit mode but when I click save the page goes blank. Please help, friends! Edit mode: Live site 😞 : This is the code I used: <style> div.header-title-logo a { content:url("https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6476b9f30c2e09459f205a09/t/64af4eb0812414558109d02c/1689210544662/Test+Logo+Wht.png") !important; max-height: 30px; } </style>
  2. You sir, are a wizard. I could kiss you on your mouth rn. Thank you thank you!!
  3. Ok thank you for that. It worked but now there is a line spacing issue. Is there a way to get this back to a single space?
  4. Newb here creating my first website. I used custom code for the font and used the custom interaction below to create a colorful hover over my heading. Code: <h1 class="text-hover"> UX DESIGNER.<br> STORYTELLER.<br> MULTI-PASSIONATE HUMAN.<br> </h1> //HERO COLOR HOVER// .text-hover span { transition: color 3s; transitions-delay: 1s; } .text-hover span:hover { transition: color 0s; } .text-hover span:nth-child(1n):hover { color: #FE9C37; } .text-hover span:nth-child(2n):hover { color: #DA6026; } .text-hover span:nth-child(3n):hover { color: #114155; } .text-hover span:nth-child(4n):hover { color: #3B97B6; } .text-hover span:nth-child(5n):hover { color: #693237; } Everything looks great in the editor but on the live site there aren't any line breaks. I put in the break but I am unsure of the problem. See below:
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