Hi there!
I am currently building an artist website. On the menu I have "selected works", "exhibitions", and an "about" page. On "selected works" page, I have created a blank section with a vertical menu that categorises the "selected works" in each medium for example "painting", "drawing" and so forth.
I would like to link these categories to individual galleries that appear on the side, but I am struggling to find a way to do it on Squarespace, since I don't want my button to redirect me to another page and I don't want to have the gallery bellow the category list neither have multiple galleries appear at the same time.
Please find the link of the artist website I am using as an example: https://juliendelagrange.com/selected-work/
Please find attached bellow an image of what it looks so far on my website.
Thank you for your time and expertise in advance, I hope you can help me with this.