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    DLM got a reaction from sephbrand in Aspect Ratio - How to individually resize the images on my product page?   
    I just read and applied the information that was posted by paul2009 in regards to product image ratio and my problem was solved in seconds!  I'd spent the past week watching Youtube as well as many other resources to no avail and was about to give up when I ran across this forum.  When I found this info, I was so relieved!  Now my website will show all of my hat products at their best. 
    The fix was a cakewalk so to speak... I use 7.1  so I don't know how this might work on the other Squarespace sites.
    Step 1  - change your aspect ratio to 3:2 (standard) when editing the section
    Step 2 - Edit your product or products by adding the tag: portrait
    Step 3 - add the CSS code found at this website.
    I included a screenshot of the code as well as a couple of screenshots so you can see the change...I'll be completing my changes by later today.  I sure hope this helps some squarespace website owners who are struggling with this same issue.  I'll next be working on changing my landscape photos to larger pictures.  If I can make it work, I'll post again.


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    DLM got a reaction from tuanphan in Aspect Ratio - How to individually resize the images on my product page?   
    I just read and applied the information that was posted by paul2009 in regards to product image ratio and my problem was solved in seconds!  I'd spent the past week watching Youtube as well as many other resources to no avail and was about to give up when I ran across this forum.  When I found this info, I was so relieved!  Now my website will show all of my hat products at their best. 
    The fix was a cakewalk so to speak... I use 7.1  so I don't know how this might work on the other Squarespace sites.
    Step 1  - change your aspect ratio to 3:2 (standard) when editing the section
    Step 2 - Edit your product or products by adding the tag: portrait
    Step 3 - add the CSS code found at this website.
    I included a screenshot of the code as well as a couple of screenshots so you can see the change...I'll be completing my changes by later today.  I sure hope this helps some squarespace website owners who are struggling with this same issue.  I'll next be working on changing my landscape photos to larger pictures.  If I can make it work, I'll post again.


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    DLM reacted to adrianafo in Aspect Ratio - How to individually resize the images on my product page?   
    @paul2009 thank you very much! I had exactly the same problem, now solved with the solution you provided.
    A different solution could be duplicating a product section in the same shop page, provided that each section row is made of images with the same ratio. This way each section could be set to a portrait ratio or landscape ratio. Unfortunately I couldn't find a way to duplicate product sections.
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    DLM reacted to paul2009 in Aspect Ratio - How to individually resize the images on my product page?   
    Please take a look at the guide I wrote here:
    Product image aspect ratios on Squarespace 7.1
    If anyone experiences an issue getting this to work on your Squarespace 7.1 website (this is for v7.1 sites only) please post back with details of your site - including a link to the page, and a screenshot.
    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️
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    DLM reacted to Ziggy in Images on Phone are cut off on sides   
    Very pleased to hear you've got this looking as you want it.
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    DLM reacted to Ziggy in Images on Phone are cut off on sides   
    You simply have the aspect ratio of the images in the shop set to square (1:1).
    No code needed. Edit the page, then click on edit section on the store section, then change the aspect ratio to 16:9 or 3:2

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    DLM got a reaction from Ziggy in Images on Phone are cut off on sides   
    Thank you Ziggy!  This worked first try and VERY quickly a problem solved!
    Have a wonderful day!
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