Hi, cant seem to get my forms background color for the input boxes to change....any suggestions. I have tried using .form-wrapper .field-list .field .field-element {} to no avail.
Here is the current code for the form
//Form Fields
.form-wrapper input[type=submit] {
color: #2F5597!important;
background-color: #DBE3F4! important;
font-family: "Calibre-Light", serif!important;
font-size: 10px;
border: 1px solid #2F5597!important;
width: 200px
.sqs-block-form .field-element::placeholder {
font-family: "Calibre-Light" !important;
color: #2F5597!important;
button {
font-family: "linotype-didot", serif !important;
color: color: #2F5597!important;