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Everything posted by LucieGbt1993

  1. Hi, I have implemented a list module in order to display some information. I would like the cards of each element to have rounded corners - border-radius : 20px. Could you please help me implement this? https://www.elige-conseil.com/notre-methode / password : eligeconseil2024 Thanks very much, Lucie
  2. Hi, Yes, here it is : https://www.elige-conseil.com/ Password : eligeconseil2024 Thanks
  3. Hi, I have implemented a carousel in order to display my testimonials. I would like the background of each element to have rounded corners - border-radius : 20px. Could you please help me implement this? password : eligeconseil2024. Thanks in advance
  4. Thanks very much for your help! Can we add a short delay before the redirection occurs? Thanks
  5. Hi, I'd like to be able to redirect my current promotional pop-up to a specific URL rather than a thank you message. How can I please do so ? Thanking you in advance, Lucie
  6. Hi, I am currently using text as my site title on my website's header. I would like to be able to have my website title on 2 lines rather that one meaning having : A POINT ETC - rather than : A POINT ETC - => How is that possible with CSS please? Thanks very much in advance for your help, Lucie
  7. Hi, I am encountering the same problem here. I tried the video background first but the playing on mobile doesn't work on every device and browser. I used a video block instead but the height is too small on mobile. And I was wondering if there was a another way to increase the height (through CSS code or another trick)? Here is an example : https://www.agencechaiten.com/home-1 - password : chaiten2023 Thanks very much for your help
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