Hi there,
I am attempting to create a gallery in 7.1 that works the way gallery pages used to in Squarespace 7.0, where I can put the same gallery on multiple pages, and it will auto update on all of those pages when I update the gallery.
The official response from Squarespace was that this feature is no longer supported in 7.1, but CSS was an option. While I am semi-comfortable with using CSS to solve my Squarespace issues I am not sure where to start when it comes to this problem.
Does anyone have ideas on how I can make this happen?
I am trying to have a gallery at the bottom of my clients portfolio item pages. Similar to the Flatiron template from 7.0 that doesn't require a manual update of every items gallery every time I update a portfolio item, as this would quickly become unmanageable.
This doesn't sound like a CSS thing but I am hoping that I am wrong and someone here can tell me why.