Hi friends,
I'm working on my mobile site, and because I don't have additional pages on my computer version, I don't need the hamburger menu on the mobile version. Because of this, I put in the following code to remove the hamburger menu (code featured below). Without the hamburger menu, the title of my website won't center. This isn't an uploaded logo, it's just text. I've played around with the options that squarespace provides to move the website title around, and it refuses to center. I'm assuming a code needs to be implemented?
I've confirmed that the code that removes the hamburger is the one that prevents the site title to go full center. Thanks for looking!
@media only screen and ( max-width: 1024px ) and ( pointer: coarse ), screen and ( max-width: 799px ) {
.header-display-mobile .header-burger {
display: none;