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    TLS920 got a reaction from thenorthwestcreative in How does one mark invoices in scheduling as "Paid" if they are paid in cash?   
    Please add a paid invoice option or allow negative line items to indicate payments have been received for cash or check options.
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    TLS920 got a reaction from Chanelle in How does one mark invoices in scheduling as "Paid" if they are paid in cash?   
    Please add a paid invoice option or allow negative line items to indicate payments have been received for cash or check options.
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    TLS920 got a reaction from evanlalo in How does one mark invoices in scheduling as "Paid" if they are paid in cash?   
    Please add a paid invoice option or allow negative line items to indicate payments have been received for cash or check options.
  4. Thanks
    TLS920 reacted to kirsive in How does one mark invoices in scheduling as "Paid" if they are paid in cash?   
    Please add this as a feature, it is causing me so much extra work and headache!
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    TLS920 reacted to kirsive in How does one mark invoices in scheduling as "Paid" if they are paid in cash?   
    I can't believe there isn't the ability to mark as paid. Such a basic function that's missing and it's really causing my clients grief. Please provide an update on when we can expect this function!
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