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  1. @tuanphan that's exactly what I'm going to do, just cheat and add it as an image haha thank you!!
  2. @tuanphan the second one
  3. @tuanphan unfortunately that didn't work! It seemed to have made the badge on both versions disappear.
  4. @thesquareteam sure could you post solution on here?!
  5. I have a dual language website that people can pick which language they want to view the website in and I'm having trouble with some coding I've placed in my my footers. I have my footer duplicated for each language and then hidden depending on which language they've picked. French footer is hidden on the English side - only English is displayed and vice versa for the French. The custom code placed in my footer is not displaying on the English side but displaying double on the French side (see screenshots). I've deleted the code and placed it back in case it just needed a reset but that didn't work so I'm not quite sure how to fix it. Any ideas? www.oneofthereids.ca Password: claire1234! Code that I need to use for membership badge: <div id="mni-membership-638495506847879284"></div> <script src="https://tbchamberon.chambermaster.com/Content/Script/Member.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> new MNI.Widgets.Member("mni-membership-638495506847879284",{member:6155,styleTemplate:"#@id{text-align:center;position:relative}#@id .mn-widget-member-name{font-weight:700}#@id .mn-widget-member-logo{max-width:100%}"}).create(); </script>
  6. @Lesum https://www.oneofthereids.ca password is square1234! Hope that helps!
  7. Hi there! I'm doing a bit of custom work for a client's website and I can't seem to figure out why the social icons are not showing up when in mobile view. The only social icon that shows up is the email so it seems my code is affecting the Instagram and LinkedIn icons. Squarespace Support was able to let me know that my custom CSS is not the issue.. it's the code I have inside code injection. Website is still being developed so it's not live. If anyone else is able to give me some input on how I can move the flag icons that are before the social media icons to after the icons.. that would be appreciated. I'd like to have the social media icons first and then the language switcher flags at the end.
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