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Everything posted by oksanenmedia

  1. Hi all, I'm a photographer currently in the midst of creating a website to promote my media brand and so far am loving the accessibility Squarespace has been giving. I have however run into one snag that I was hoping someone would be able to assist with. My Brand consists currently of taking event photos for sport, landscapes, etc. and publishing them on social media. The idea I have been acting on is to evolve that into being able to sell the photos along with this. I have begun creating a gallery with one photo from each event, that when clicked on portals to all published photos from that event in a store, available to purchase digitally. So far that has been a success (image below shows a rough version of the store page). My issue however is that each photo I want to publish has to be manually created as a product, inserting the correct file name, displayed image and downloadable file for the buyer in each instance. I was able to streamline this slightly by duplicating a product to maintain consistent tags and swapping the photos each time, however that also set the default visibility to hidden each time which sort of nulls its usefulness as that too must be changed each time. My question is, is there any way at all that this process can be done where the folder of photos I intend to publish can be linked to Squarespace, and all are uploaded in bulk at once to save tedious hours that can be better used editing or promoting the images? My minimum amount of photos per event would be roughly 100-300 photos (I have shot anywhere from 1500-4000 photos depending on the event) so this is a tough ask and potential deal breaker if it has to be done manually. Any help would be appreciated.
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