I am having issues with what should be pretty simple to code. I have two pages on my site I would like to align with my site. I tried using some code, however, I am having issues when displayed on larger screen displays.
1. https://www.jonathansage.de/work I would like the portfolio projects to align with the site. Using "inset" is too narrow and the full site option is too wide. My site is 1400px and the margins are 12vw. When the site page is less than 1400px + 12vw, the margins align correctly. When the page is displayed on large displays (or higher resolution) it looks as if the portfolio projects remain at 12vw and the rest of the site (logo, etc) stays at 1400px. I need the portfolio projects to also remain at 1400px. Can anyone assist here? I would be most grateful.
2. https://www.jonathansage.de/news Same issue here where I have used a Simple List (Add block > Portfolio > Change Design from Carousel to Simple List).
Custom CSS would be appreciated. I don't have access to individual page coding.