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Posts posted by JonJonJJ

  1. Hi @tuanphan,

    I think I found a solution. I used the code you provided here (Thank you!) 

    I have edited your code slightly and now everything looks good again.

    The code I'm now using is this one (for the german version):

    /* hide items on desktop */
    nav.header-nav-list>div:nth-child(n+1):nth-child(-n+10) {
        display: none;
    /* hide items on mobile */
    [data-folder="root"]>div:first-child>div:first-child>div:nth-child(n+1):nth-child(-n+10) {
        display: none;

    Instead of this one (the one that worked fine for the last year):

        display: none;

    What do you think? Is this a smart solution or would you recommend something else?


    Thank you so much for all the work you do here!
    Very much appreciated! 

    Best, Jonathan

  2. Hi @tuanphan,
    it's me again 🙂 Hope you doing fine.

     A year ago you helped me with my website (thanks again!!!) and creating three language versions. Everything worked perfectly.
    But something happened, maybe squarespace chanced something because I didn't touched the code, and now the language menu on mobile is destroyed.

    On desktop everything works still fine. But on mobile the following problems are new:


    English language version (https://www.casapolpo.com/)
    On the english mobile version this code is not doing anything:

        display: none;

    nth-child 6 to 15 ARE visible (but only on mobile, on desktop 6 to 15 are hidden)


    Italien language version (https://www.casapolpo.com/it/ciao)
    On the italien mobile version no menu items are visible. 

        display: none;

    nth-child 6 to 10 ARE NOT visible, NOTHING is visible, just an empty menu  (but only on mobile, on desktop 1-5 and 11-15 are hidden)


    German language version (https://www.casapolpo.com/de/ciao)
    Same as on the italien mobile version: no menu items are visible.

        display: none;

    nth-child 11 to 15 ARE NOT visible, NOTHING is visible, just an empty menu (but only on mobile, on desktop 1-10 are hidden)

    Do you have any idea whats going on?
    Would be so great if you could help me out again. Thanks a lot!
    Many greetings, Jonathan


  3. On 8/19/2023 at 10:05 AM, tuanphan said:

    For all gallery slideshows or specific? If specific, can you share link to page where you use slideshow? We can give the exact code

    Thanks for your reply.
    I think it is called gallery slideshow. But please have a look for your self:


    The logo should be on the section between the yellow field and the news banner (see screenshot attached).

    Thanks a lot for your help!


  4. 9 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    and button text, use this shorter code

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
    	$('.header#header a.btn').attr('href','/');
      $('.header-title-logo a').attr('href','/');
       $("header#header a.btn").html(function() { 
              return $(this).html().replace("Prenotare", "new button text");  

    Great! works perfekt!

    Thank you very much for your time and work. 

  5. hi @tuanphan,

    I was researching the forum and found a code you provided on a similar topic:

    Thanks a lot!
    This helped me write two codes that solved two of my problems.

    • how to change the the nav button link (mobile and desktop):
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
    	$('.header#header a.btn').attr('href','/');
    • how to change the nav logo link on each language page (mobile and desktop):
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
    	$('.header-title-logo a').attr('href','/');

    Are these good solution to the two problems or would you recommend a better way?


    Finally, I'm down to one unsolved problem:

    •  How to change the header button text on each language page.

    Do you have an idea how to do this?
    Many thanks already!


  6. 7 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    Change this code to this

      (function() {
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',() => {
          document.querySelector('header#header a.btn').setAttribute('href','/it/prenotare');


    Thanks for your feedback.
    The new code works fine on the desktop version but still not on mobile.
    I inserted the new code (with ('href','/it/prenotare')) on this page: https://www.casapolpo.com/it/casa-polpo, but it still leads to /en/booking (the url added in edit website header > global > elements)

  7. 11 minutes ago, JonJonJJ said:

    3) to  link the nav button to the right language page:

      (function() {
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',() => {
          document.querySelector('.header-actions--right .header-actions-action--cta a').setAttribute('href','/de/buchen');

    Update. This code isn't working on mobile ☹️ 

    So … I didn't figured out three things:

    • how to change the nav button text on each language page
    • how to change the nav logo link on each language page
    • how to change the the nav button link on mobile
  8. Hi @tuanphan,

    so far I managed to get the correct nav items and footer on each page.
    I used this code in <head> (this is the example for the german version, of course I used different codes for english and italian). Please feel free to tell me if there is a better way.

    1) to hide the wrong nav items:

        display: none;

    2) to hide the wrong footer:

        display: none;

    3) to  link the nav button to the right language page:

      (function() {
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',() => {
          document.querySelector('.header-actions--right .header-actions-action--cta a').setAttribute('href','/de/buchen');


    So far so good. But I didn't figured out …

    • how to change the nav button text on each language page
    • how to change the nav logo link on each language page

    It would be great if you knew a solution for this. 
    Thanks a lot! 


  9. 23 hours ago, JonJonJJ said:

    Just to let you know:
    In order to redirect/forward from [EN], [IT] or [DE] to the correct language version of "/ciao", I added this code in <head> of the three pages:
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;

    Please let me know if there is a better way.

    Ok, creating the language selection like this wasn't the best idea 🙂 
    So I made a small change:

    I created three folders in the nav, these are named like the currently selected language. As dropdown the other two languages appear (these are created as a link to the corresponding "/ciao" (home)).

    Looks better. Works better.
    I hope using folders works with your code.


    The three headers now look like this:

    Englisch Version:

    • Logo   /en/ciao (home)
    • Casa Polpo   /en/casa-polpo
    • Cassa Fava   /en/casa-fava
    • Monopoli   /en/monopoli
    • Puglia   /en/puglia
    • EN    Folder
      • italiano   Link to /it/ciao 
      • deutsch   Link to /de/ciao
    • Booking (button)   /en/booking

    Italian Version:

    • Logo   /it/ciao
    • Casa Polpo   /it/casa-polpo
    • Casa Fava   /it/casa-fava
    • Monopoli   /it/monopoli
    • Puglia   /it/puglia
    • IT    Folder
      • english   Link to /en/ciao 
      • deutsch   Link to /de/ciao
    • Prenotare (button)   /it/prenotare

    German Version

    • Logo   /de/ciao
    • Casa Polpo   /de/casa-polpo
    • Casa Fava   /de/casa-fava
    • Monopoli   /de/monopoli
    • Puglia   /de/puglia
    • DE    Folder
      • english   Link to /en/ciao 
      • italiano   Link to /it/ciao
    • Buchen (button)   /de/buchen
  10. 20 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    You want, on each header, will have

    • different logo, different logo link
    • different nav items
    • different button text, button url
    • different footer

    Hi tuanphan,

    Yes exactly!
    But always the same logo, just different logo links.

    If it would be possible, I would love to have three languages (EN, DE, IT).
    But only if it is not too much work for you. I am really very grateful for your help.


    20 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    First, you need to change all page url, use this format



    I changed all urls.
    „/en/ciao“ is the main page in Englisch and also the home,
    „/it/ciao“ is the main page in Italian,
    „/de/ciao“ is the main page in German
    The footer is like the index, just to get an idea of the side structure.


    20 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    Next, add all items to navigation, we will give code to show/hide them then

    I added all items to the navigation
    The three headers should look like this:
    (the links are just for your info, the items are already linked):

    Englisch Version:

    • Logo   /en/ciao (home)
    • Casa Polpo   /en/casa-polpo
    • Cassa Fava   /en/casa-fava
    • Monopoli   /en/monopoli
    • Puglia   /en/puglia
    • [ IT]   /it/ciao
    • [ DE]   /de/ciao
    • Booking (button)   /en/booking

    Italian Version:

    • Logo   /it/ciao
    • Casa Polpo   /it/casa-polpo
    • Casa Fava   /it/casa-fava
    • Monopoli   /it/monopoli
    • Puglia   /it/puglia
    • [ EN]   /en/ciao
    • [ DE]   /de/ciao
    • Prenotare (button)   /it/prenotare

    German Version

    • Logo   /de/ciao
    • Casa Polpo   /de/casa-polpo
    • Casa Fava   /de/casa-fava
    • Monopoli   /de/monopoli
    • Puglia   /de/puglia
    • [ EN]   /en/ciao
    • [ IT]   /it/ciao
    • Buchen (button)   /de/buchen

    Just to let you know:
    In order to redirect/forward from [EN], [IT] or [DE] to the correct language version of "/ciao", I added this code in <head> of the three pages:
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;

    Please let me know if there is a better way.


    20 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    With Footer, you can consider adding 2 sections in footer, we will show 1 on DE, show another on IT

    I added three sections in footer.
    The three Footers should look like this
    (the links on the right side are just for your info, the text are already linked):

    Englisch Version

    • Logo   /en/ciao (home)
    • Casa Polpo   /en/casa-polpo
    • Cassa Fava   /en/casa-fava
    • Monopoli   /en/monopoli
    • Puglia   /en/puglia
    • Booking   /en/booking
    • Contact   /en/contact
    • Italiano   /it/ciao
    • Deutsch   /de/ciao
    • Social Media Icons always the same links
    • TOS    /en/tos
    • Privacy Policy   /en/privacy-policy
    • Cookie Policy   /en/cookie-policy

    Italian Version

    • Logo   /it/ciao
    • Casa Polpo   /it/casa-polpo
    • Casa Fava   /it/casa-fava
    • Monopoli   /it/monopoli
    • Puglia   /it/puglia
    • Prenotare   /it/prenotare
    • Contatto   /it/contatto
    • Englisch   /en/ciao
    • Deutsch   /de/ciao
    • Social Media Icons always the same links
    • CGC   /it/cgc
    • Privacy Policy   /en/privacy-policy
    • Cookie Policy   /en/cookie-policy

    German Version

    • Logo   /de/ciao
    • Casa Polpo   /de/casa-polpo
    • Casa Fava   /de/casa-fava
    • Monopoli   /de/monopoli
    • Puglia   /de/puglia
    • Buchen   /de/buchen
    • Kontakt   /de/kontakt
    • Englisch   /en/ciao
    • iIaliano   /it/ciao
    • Social Media Icons always the same links
    • AGB   /de/agb
    • Privacy Policy   /en/privacy-policy
    • Cookie Policy   /en/cookie-policy


    Thank you very much for your help.

    I am very much looking forward to hearing from you.

    Many greetings from Italy! Jon


  11. Hi @tuanphan,
    I hope it's ok that I'm writing here and not posting a new question on the forum.

    I would like to use different languages on my website and have different headers appear on different pages for this purpose.

    As an example: 
    on pages with the subdirectory "/de" the text in the header should be in german and the nav-items and button should link to the "/de/..." pages. 
    On pages with the subdirectory "/it" the text in the header should be in Italian and the nav-items and button should link to the "/it/..." pages. 

    Is this possible?

    And would it also be possible to change the footer? So that on the "/de" pages a different footer (text, links) is displayed than on the "/it" pages?

    Look forward to hearing from you.
    All the best! Jon

    PS: thanks for your great work here on the forum, your answers have helped me very often.

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