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  1. Hello! I'm trying to make the Simple List Gallery images and text below the image linked/clickable to other sections of a website I'm building. But I also need to hide the button. Can someone share how to do this? I've reviewed a lot of the great information on the forum about this, but none of the CSS seems to work for my situation. I've been able to get the images and text linked--but it's been impossible to hide the button. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hey there @SFSW and @tuanphan: I'm also trying to build a page gallery with just an image and title, and have the image and tile be linked to a url -- without buttons. Each image and title needs to be linked to different urls. Is there a code for this? Thank you!
  3. One quick follow-up: once I create a summary block on the main site, and disable the click thru to the blogpost: how do I link to the pages that I actually want people to go to?
  4. Thank you. I've tried to use Lists and Galleries. But I'm not able to link the images within the galleries, AND the text beneath them. Do you know if there's a workaround? Appreciate your help and time!
  5. Hi there! I’m trying to create a summary block that points readers/users to other parts of my website. I have article pages, but they’re not designed as blog posts. I don’t have blog posts or products. Does anyone know how to create a summary block that points to regular pages of my site? In case it’s helpful, I’m using a 7.1 template. Thank you!
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