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Everything posted by Mica77

  1. hi, was this hard to do?, I am looking to do something similar on a new page
  2. thank you, is there any way to have on the mobile version the fucsia underline on the top menu when tapping it?
  3. Hi, when I add that code then I see a black line (the original from the template that I "turn off" by adding: /* change header nav active style */ .header-nav-item--active a { background-image: none !important; } the fuchsia underline is not working on the mobile version, maybe because there is no "hover" but tap on mobile? I don't know
  4. @tuanphan great, this worked, thank you so much!! It is not working on the mobile version, do you know how can I fix that?
  5. Hello, I added an embed block to add a pdf (https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6276a91a541828029d62f739/t/64a47229ee44ec162fed2075/1688498729869/Be+Done+with+Dating+Anxiety.pdf) here: https://katemikuliak.com/be-done-with-dating-anxiety How can I change the background color so it appears transparent, and also how can I adjust the proportions? Thank you so much for your help!
  6. I wanted to change the color of the underline from the top menu by ussing this custom css: /* change header nav active style */ .header-nav-item--active a { background-image: none !important; } /* Change the underline color of the top menu links */ .header-nav-item a { position: relative; text-decoration: none !important; color: #000000; /* Set the color of the link */ } .header-nav-item a::after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: -2px; /* Adjust the positioning of the underline */ width: 100%; height: 2px; /* Adjust the height of the underline */ background-color: #CE099F; /* Set the color of the underline */ visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.4s; } .header-nav-item a:hover::after, .header-nav-item a:focus::after, .header-nav-item--active a::after { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } /* Optional: Change the underline color when the link is active or focused */ .header-nav-item--active a::after { background-color: #CE099F; /* Set the color of the underline when the link is active */ } it is almost working, but the lenght of the underline doesn't match the text that's on top, but the widht of the box. How can I change it so the underline goes only below the text. I am including a video of the error to be more clear Recording 2023-06-25 211613.mp4
  7. Hello, I need to change the aspect ratio of the video container so that it can be customized to different video sizes. Currently, the only option I have is to keep it in landscape format, but I have some videos that are in portrait or square format. Can you please help me with this issue? Ex: I want this two videos to be portrait (I can crop them on after effects if needed) Or these ones (the videos are already portrait but the container is landscape): Thank you so much!
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