I found this blog post today while searching for some option to display videos in a gallery. Seems to work! https://insidethesquare.co/squarespace-tutorials/video-block-size
Thanks, @Mdhanjal.
It didn't really do anything, though. My embedded videos aren't showing up even with the code. I also tried it with urls rather than embedded code, but the autoplay didn't work there, either.
I'm having the same issue trying to embed videos into a video gallery block on 7.1. The videos load when I use a Vimeo url, but nothing shows up when I use the Vimeo embed code, which I'd prefer so they'll autoplay. Any ideas?
I'm having the same issue with a client's checkout for their custom cake business. We need to enforce a three-day lead time at checkout for delivery because people are ignoring the lead time message on the product page and ordering for next-day delivery. Has anyone found a solution yet?