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    andrea_distefano got a reaction from LoftyDevs-Website-Designer in Introduce your business!   
    Hi everyone, I'm Andrea Distefano. I run mondonero.org and studiostream.it. I'm a self-taught on basically everything I do today, from the development of this two website to what they are about.
    I'm also a vMix expert and operator for broadcast companies here in Milan.
    Thank you for your time and for sharing knowledge here. 
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    andrea_distefano got a reaction from webbroi in Introduce your business!   
    Hi everyone, I'm Andrea Distefano. I run mondonero.org and studiostream.it. I'm a self-taught on basically everything I do today, from the development of this two website to what they are about.
    I'm also a vMix expert and operator for broadcast companies here in Milan.
    Thank you for your time and for sharing knowledge here. 
  3. Thanks
    andrea_distefano got a reaction from creedon in Add Categories and Tags to portfolio pages   
    Thank you sir, I went for this solution + lazy load plugin. I'm away now but once back I think we're going to take this path. I can add categories and tags, it's perfect. The only problem was the 30 post limit, but with the lazy load plugin and a "load more" button I think it would be ok. Thank you for the answer!
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