Hey thanks, @creedon . My website is publicly viewable at https://www.andrewhaener.com/ I just added a new image that's got this same problem happening. The images and links I was asking about initially resolved themselves after a few days for desktop access but they still don't work on mobile.
I'm running this code injection which I found on a forum posting in the gallery block gear. It's worked for most of the clickthru links but not the new ones. If you could take a look at some of this stuff I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks.
var currentPageBaseURL=window.location.href.split("?")[0];
Y.io(currentPageBaseURL+"?page=1&format=json-pretty", {
on:{success: jsonLoaded}
function jsonLoaded(err,data){
var jsonResponse = Y.JSON.parse(data.responseText);
var items=jsonResponse.items
Y.all("#thumbList .thumb, #slideshow .slide").each(function(e){
var thumbId=this.getAttribute("data-slide-id");
for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++){
if(thumbId==items[i].id && items[i].clickthroughUrl){
window.location = this.getAttribute("data-clickthrough-url");