so yes, different from other site builders, i cannot simply change an unlinked page's URL to be a subdomain where you set the 'URL slug" in the settings gear next to the page title in the left panel 'pages' menu. Is there a place to do this?
This seems to be where people are still stuck after a lot of reading and back and forth.
i see people creating an entirely new ss account and pointing over the sub domain but that is so round about it makes no sense to me!
Subdomains - Creating a website using a subdomain of an existing SquareSpace site
in Pages & Content
so yes, different from other site builders, i cannot simply change an unlinked page's URL to be a subdomain where you set the 'URL slug" in the settings gear next to the page title in the left panel 'pages' menu. Is there a place to do this?
This seems to be where people are still stuck after a lot of reading and back and forth.
i see people creating an entirely new ss account and pointing over the sub domain but that is so round about it makes no sense to me!