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Hello everyone. I have two folders on my site. One is called Inspiration and the other the folder named "Ispirazione". They are identical however Ispirazione is not displaying the dropdown menu when clicked on, on mobile devices. I asked squarespace for help and they told me the problem was code related and could not help.
The only code I have is page head code injections because my site is bilingual so I put the bellow code to hide English or the Italian respectively.
I changed the order of my layout and instead of page numbers in the code I used to odd/even. Now both drop down menus are not working properly. In English I see music and in Italian I see nostri libretti and attività gironaliere. Before I had my layout pages 1-7 in English and 8-14 in Italian. in the code instead of odd and even I put the actual page numbers.
@media screen and (max-width:1511px){
#header .header-menu-nav-item:nth-child(odd){
#header .header-menu-nav-item:nth-child(even){
I was given this code to input for folders but I cannot seem to get it to work. English is odd pages, Italian are even pages.
display: none;
.Mobile-overlay-nav-folder[data folder="root"]>.Mobile-overlay-nav-folder-content>div:nth-child(even){
display: none;
Any suggestions would be appreciated