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    NP3000 reacted to nick_sh in SVG logo in footer - is it possible?   
    You need to open .svg file in any text editor, copy the code and insert into Code Block
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    NP3000 got a reaction from Ziggy in Word splitting   
    Thanks very much Ziggy, you saved me again. 

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    NP3000 reacted to Ziggy in Word splitting   
    I would suggest using 12vw instead of 48px on @media screen and (max-width:750px) maybe also adjust the 750px to 767px since that's the breakpoint.
    and then add another media query before the 750px, something like this:
    @media only screen (min-width:768px) and (max-width:900px) { font-size:54px; } That's should have you covered.
  4. Thanks
    NP3000 got a reaction from yogap in Add a link to a text block - instead of the text   
    Thanks for the trying YogaP and thanks for the underline code tip. 
    I came up with a work around.
    Ive overlaid a blank png with the link added to it. No code needed. 
    Nick: 1 - Squarespace: 0. 
    I'm really sick of Squarespace's awkwardness. 
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    NP3000 reacted to tuanphan in Desktop breakpoints and larger screen display issues   
    Can you describe in more detail the problems? We can check easier
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