Our site isn't live yet, but it is ALMOST there. After chatting with support today, I am hoping someone here could give me some ideas to try. We're using Clarkson theme.
We have a subscription/membership with three tiers of pricing - monthly, annually, or the third tier. They all get the same "base" level content, but tier three gets a couple of higher value options. The bulk of our product is an email newsletter every week, but our subscribers are mostly 60+ and (because of our other successful product on another platform) they are accustomed to logging into a dashboard to read the content. Thus, we began the great migration to Squarespace.
What I would like, that support tells me is absolutely not possible, is that when I write one blog/article, it gets posted to all three member areas at the same time. I've been advised that my only option is to duplicate each post and then move it every time to the other two member areas.
I originally set it up so that there was a button upon log-in to their member area that they could just click and go to the "blog" where all the articles are. However, I can't duplicate that specific page, and therefore, that page would be outside of the gated/paid area and able to be seen and shared.
Any ideas for workarounds? I'm well-versed (though rusty) in Wordpress, but this is my first site here. Between this and our other large membership site we have close to 100k subscribers and I had hoped we'd be able to move everything over here. But, if I can't find a workaround, we'll likely have to go to another platform, which I don't want to do because of the otherwise easy use and integration here.
Any plug-ins, Zaps, or other ideas would be welcome, and thank you in advance!