Site URL:
I want to change the fonts on the website to locally hosted ones since google fonts are tricky with GDPR. I managed to do so for using this CSS code. But I don't know how I can do so for all the other elements, like Header navigation, forms, buttons and then for mobile as well. Can anybody help?
//Google Font einfügen
@font-face {
font-family: Playfair Display;
src: url(;
//Google Font einfügen
@font-face {
font-family: Work Sans;
src: url(;
//Google Font für alle Textarten verwenden
h1, h2, {
font-family: 'Playfair Display';
h3, h4, p {
font-family: 'Work Sans';
.sqsrte-large {
font-family: 'Work Sans';
.sqsrte-small {
font-family: 'Work Sans';
Thank you!!