I've used both the Headline and Paragraphs to have the multiple sized of Furtura PT in the site.
I have not found a css code that will allow me to only change the quotation marks to be Clarendon. I want to match what I did in the previous - version of my client's website - designed in 2016 using Adobe Muse: crimsonps.com.
The first place I've used this large quotation mark is on the landing page.
I also am trying to find CSS code to create a red under line of some text on the Services page
Custom Font only for an quotation marks + How to add a color to an underline text
in Customize with code
Site URL: https://plums-lanternfish-zk73.squarespace.com/
password is: plums
I've used both the Headline and Paragraphs to have the multiple sized of Furtura PT in the site.
I have not found a css code that will allow me to only change the quotation marks to be Clarendon. I want to match what I did in the previous - version of my client's website - designed in 2016 using Adobe Muse: crimsonps.com.
The first place I've used this large quotation mark is on the landing page.
I also am trying to find CSS code to create a red under line of some text on the Services page