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Everything posted by Lorialo

  1. What if you want to add this code to a button in the header of your site and you don't have a block ID for the button, there's just collection ID the header? Is there a solution for that button?
  2. I've done this as a temporary solution. I'm still wondering if the code-injection in the footer can get styling around the button
  3. K tal! I want to add this Psychology Today badge to my client's site, but I didn't want to put it in the footer as code because the code block won't stay small and it forces my footer to have many more rows than it needs, especially on mobile. So my solution was to make it a footer code-injection. On both mobile and desktop the badge is aligned to the left and the background is the yellow from my p;alette. Is there any way I can get the badge to be centered in both desktop and mobile viewports and for the background to be the same color as my footer with the code injection? This is the code for the badge: <!-- Professional verification provided by Psychology Today --><a href="https://www.psychologytoday.com/profile/1181942" class="sx-verified-seal"></a><script type="text/javascript" src="https://member.psychologytoday.com/verified-seal.js" data-badge="13" data-id="1181942" data-code="aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucHN5Y2hvbG9neXRvZGF5LmNvbS9hcGkvdmVyaWZpZWQtc2VhbC9zZWFscy9bQkFER0VdL3Byb2ZpbGUvW1BST0ZJTEVfSURdP2NhbGxiYWNrPXN4Y2FsbGJhY2s="></script><!-- End Verification -->
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