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Everything posted by mollym

  1. Yes, thank you for the code @HoaLT! I figured out that you can just turn it off in the cookie settings.
  2. Is it possible to change the positioning of the "Cookie Preferences" link banner that appears in the footer? I know there are settings for the pop-up cookie banner, but it seems like a newer change that there's a perpetual link to change cookie preferences in the footer. I don't like that it's not aligned with anything else. Ideally I'd like it to be aligned below the social links on the right side of the footer. Any suggestions? site link: https://intertidal-agency.squarespace.com/ pw: intertidal
  3. The site is https://www.ronin-productions.com/ I'm not able to see this issue, since I don't have a screen as big as my client's (27in). This is the screenshot he sent me, he says the About and Clients links don't work on a larger screen size.
  4. I created a split navigation for my client's site, and he's reporting issues with it on larger screen sizes. I'm not able to duplicate the issue, since my largest screen is 18inches. This is what he says: "I'm still having navigating the site on the 27inch iMac screen. I've noticed that the About and Client navigation at the top isn’t working properly. When I mouse over those two buttons, I’m not able to click and navigate to those pages. Not an issue on a 15 inch laptop. If I move the browser window to my 40inch monitor and go full screen alf of the links at the top stop functioning altogether, except the Ronin button." This is the code I'm using for the split nav: .header-nav { position: absolute; top: 0px; bottom: 0; margin-top: 10px!important; margin-left: 0px!important; } .header-nav-item:nth-of-type(2) { margin-right: 340px!important; } .header-title-logo a { z-index: 1000; position: relative; } .header-display-desktop .header-title { flex: 0 0 40% !important; z-index: 999999999; } Any suggestions?
  5. Hi! I'm making a gallery block for a videographer that opens videos in a lightbox. I'm trying to add a hover effect where the thumbnail has a color overlay and shows the title on hover. I'm having two issues: 1. The color overlay on hover is only working on static images, but not on the video thumbnails (that open the video in a lightbox). There's a test static image at the bottom of the gallery that it is working on. I've tried to figure out if the video thumnails have a different selctor – I've tried: .video-fill .sqs-gallery-block-grid .video-lightbox-wrapper .sqs-video-wrapper .video-fill .sqs-video-opaque .sqs-video-overlay .sqs-video-opaque Does anyone know how to fix this? 2. I can't figure out why the text/title is getting cut off/cropped. Website: https://roninproductions.squarespace.com/work PW: ronin This is the code I'm using. /* overlay and title on hover */ .slide a:after { position: absolute; content: ""; background: rgba(5,5,57,0.6); z-index: 999; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 10%; transition: all 0.5s; pointer-events: none; } .slide a { position: relative; } .slide a { position: relative; opacity: 1 !important; } .slide:hover a:after { opacity: 1; } .image-slide-title { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 2em!important; font-family: "obviously"; color: white; opacity: 0; z-index: 1000; transition: all 0.5s; pointer-events: none; } .slide:hover .image-slide-title { opacity: 1; }
  6. @tuanphan thanks for all your help in this thread so far! I used the code for a gallery block that uses videos, and I'm having two small issues: 1. I can't figure out why the text/title is getting cut off/cropped. 2. The color overlay on hover is only working on static images, but not on the video thumbnails (that open the video in a lightbox). There's a test static image at the bottom of the gallery that it is working on. Do you know how to fix this? Website: https://roninproductions.squarespace.com/work PW: ronin
  7. Close to what I'm looking for, but client decided they no longer wanted filtering, so I'm pausing figuring that out for now. Thanks!
  8. I'm building a portfolio site for a videographer, who wants a gallery that can filter videos by tag, AND open clicked videos in a lightbox to autoplay them. I've seen ways to do these functionalities separately, but not together. There are filtering systems that will open the video on a new page like a blog post. And I can use gallery blocks to have videos open in a lightbox and autoplay. But I can't figure out how to do both things! Does anyone have suggestions or plugins that might work? Client is willing to hire a developer to help if needed. (Open to suggestions for developers who would be willing to help too). Universal filter looks like it might work, but looking into the details and reading about it in other forums, it looks like it doesn't work with lightboxes. https://roninproductions.squarespace.com/ PW: ronin
  9. Hi all, I have a client who's interested in adding a parallax-type effect for sections with a video background, inspired by this site: https://breakwaterstudios.com, where each section slides up and reveals the next section. Does anyone know of code or plugins to add an effect like this, so it looks like each section reveals the next? Maybe parallax isn't quite the word I'm looking for. The site I'm working on (in progress, not published) is https://roninproductions.squarespace.com/, pw: ronin.
  10. Here's the link to the actual site. It's just a demo site right now, the password is "pdx". https://pdxdesignfestival.squarespace.com/events
  11. Here's the link to the actual site. It's just a demo site right now, the password is "pdx". https://pdxdesignfestival.squarespace.com/events
  12. Site URL: https://mollymcleod.com/ I'm organizing a festival of events in the fall and want to display a calendar of events as we're starting ticket sales soon, but it seems like the events block shows the current month (in which there are no events) by default. Is there any way to get the calendar to show a future month/the first month in which there are events by default instead? Seems like this should be a basic feature!! Also the events website is not yet live, so I put in my personal site as the URL.
  13. I have this same question! I'm hosting a festival in the fall but selling tickets now – is there any way to trick the calendar into showing only a certain month instead of the current month?
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