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Everything posted by Stevey1919

  1. Hi Thank you! How can I use this purple play icon as the code block icon rather than the CC?
  2. Site URL: https://www.subjectresources.com Hello! I have a one minute video I would like to play when a user clicks on the 'play button icon' on my homepage. Can someone please walk me through how I can add this to my squarespace site? Many thanks!
  3. Have you updated the HAS code?
  4. Hey dude, use the CSS code that has been pasted in this thread. Hope it works for you
  5. I have tried adding the CSS but it does not do anything other than change the font of my quote at the bottom of the page.
  6. Hey the URL is www.subjectresources.com
  7. Hey @creedon I have been trying to add this to my site but the icons appear very large. How do I set them so they appear neatly in the footer? I have deleted the images I do not want to show. If possible I would like them in 1 line.
  8. Thank you so much! This worked perfectly. I have been trying to do this for ages so I am delighted to finally have it how I want it 🙂
  9. Hi Tuan The centre CSS worked but now I have the whole line moving back and forward when the typing animation happens. I would like the main body text to stay exactly where it is. The colour CSS did not work. Is there a way we can add a specific hex code to the code so that I can colour match for the right colour?
  10. Thank you, that was very helpful. Do you know how to centre the bulk text and avoid the text moving when typing. www.subjectresources.com
  11. Thank you, I have uploaded the code you put on another post. Can you help me change the individual colours for each typed out word? I would like them to match the colours below where the icons are. Also, I would like the main body of the text to be centralised Here is the URL for the website where it is currently live www.subjectresources.com Thanks!
  12. Site URL: https://sketchwow.com/ Hello, Please could someone help me create a similar text animation to this website https://sketchwow.com/ I would like my subjects to be typed out and deleted (for example, english, maths, drama, science, etc.) where is says 'subject resources for ....' my website is www.subjectresources.com Thank you
  13. Site URL: https://www.subjectresources.com Hello, I would like to add a typing font animation similar to this website homepage https://sketchwow.com/lifetime/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=search&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkruVBhCHARIsACVIiOx-3cEDj4qxi2cZW7ApHpTddEIJB2JDkwdKgpC08bKwxhAcZMj07aEaAh7vEALw_wcB Can someone help me?
  14. Site URL: https://www.subjectresources.com Hello, Please could someone help me and tell me the correct CSS code I need to set my subject images side-by-side? Also, any help on how to display the other two images above would be amazing! Thank you
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