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  1. Hello! We are searching for a way to protect our site from bots. Does Squarespace have a plugin or can someone recommend a third-party service? We are a non-profit, fyi. Our website: www.siblingtosibling.org. Thank you, Dawn
  2. Thanks so much, Charlie. Site URL: https://www.siblingtosibling.org/ The PW is: 1221Sss2s! Looking forward to feedback. Thanks so much. Dawn
  3. Site URL: https://www.siblingtosibling.org/ All, I would LOVE your constructive criticism and suggestions for my website before I publish - which needs to be soon. I have never created a website. Squarespace has inspired me every step of the way. Amazing. Thanks so much, Dawn Prime Watson, RN Sibling To Sibling
  4. Yes, I want to make the effect on hover. Thank you, Dawn
  5. Greetings! My name is Dawn. Sibling to Sibling is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to supporting siblings affected by the loss of a sibling to suicide. Siblings often feel left out - we send custom grief boxes to siblings with messages of hope and comfort. It is our mission to let siblings know they are not alone. Currently, several of us Moms who have lost children to suicide are helping to get the organization started. My son, Krys, was 30 when he died by suicide in 2018. Siblingtosibling.org PW: 1221Sss2s! Thank you all for your support, Dawn
  6. All, here is a password protected link to my website: https://www.siblingtosibling.org/ 1221Sss2s!
  7. All, here is a password protected link to my website: https://www.siblingtosibling.org/ PW: 1221Sss2s!
  8. Hello! So grateful for this forum.... How can I change photos to be the same size? With no border? I also want the photos to be the same/similar size as the photos on this webpage: Camp Erin | Eluna Network (scroll down to the photos that are next to one another on the Overview page). Many thanks, S2S
  9. Hello! "Newbie" here! In auto layout, I have several images (photos of people): 1. Is there a way to to create a hover feature like the one on this website: Camp Erin | Eluna Network (scroll down to the photos that are next to one another on the Overview page). On click, text appears in the center of the image, on top of the image, in white font. Thank you so much for your assistance! S2S
  10. Hello! "Newbie" here! In auto layout, I have several images (photos of people) and would like to do two things: 1. Is there a way to to create a hover feature like the one on this website: Camp Erin | Eluna Network (scroll down to the photos that are next to one another on the Overview page). On click, text appears in the center of the image, on top of the image, in white font. Thank you so much for your assistance! S2S
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