I like what you've done with your site. I agree that the photos are slow to load. Try compressing them with https://tinypng.com/ - that should help speed things up.
You could also increase the font size in places to improve readability. For example:
https://www.coupeandmixer.com/workshops - enlarging the text in the how it works bit alongside the photo would better balance that section.
The first few paragraphs on https://www.coupeandmixer.com/about could benefit from being larger as well. I'd also add one or two line breaks/paragraphs into the quote to avoid the TL:DR effect.
Finally, I'd hide/wait on the calendar until you have events to show. Being empty, it's working against you rather than for you. You could list events individually until your calendar fills up enough to warrant displaying it by month.
Nice work, though! Looks great overall.