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Everything posted by loelife

  1. Sorry for the delayed response, I missed the notification. Yes, the styling in screenshot 1 is the goal
  2. I think we got it! Thank you so much!!! Before the code kicks in, the default black font w/ underline flashes on the nav for a second. Is that normal? Beyond that it's finally there. Thank you!!
  3. Site URL: https://wombat-gerbil-7tj5.squarespace.com/ Hello! PW: Ziggy445748 I have a question about styling Gallery cards. Below I have, in order, the figma design I have for my Gallery Cards, and how they currently look. Anyone know how to get me from A to B? Thank you!
  4. Thank you for the response! So When a page is active, it goes red. What I'm looking for is when the "Other Work" Page is open, I would like "Other Work" in active color as well as whichever link in the folder ("Visual design" When they are on that page or "Music" when they are on that page) if that makes sense
  5. Sorry for the delayed response. As of now two things happen: Either the folder items have active color individually but no main nav links will have the active color, or the main links will have active color and the folder contents with both be marked as active at the same time. If you look on the page now, the active color is working but both folder links are marked active at the same time
  6. Thank you! Any way to have the 'Other Works' header in active color when one of the folder items is active as well?
  7. Site URL: https://wombat-gerbil-7tj5.squarespace.com/ PW: Ziggy445748 Hi, I know these are a lot but I'm happy with whatever solutions there are to one or any of these issues currently working on my styling for my portfolio and need help with Nav CSS (Current CSS image attached): 1. I want "Linkedin" to be colored Blue (#0072B1) 2. Folder in nav has three issues a) Dropdown box is too big. I want the box size to fit the links within b) When one of the "Other Work" pages is active, both sub-pages are highlighted red. Would like active color on on one or the other (whichever is active at the time) c) Would love a "drop-down" animation for the folder content box. Thank you! (images below)
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