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Posts posted by abc

  1. 2 hours ago, Spark-Plugin said:

    Hello @abc I hope you're having a great day!

    Here’s a code you might find useful, 

    1. Navigate to: Settings > Advanced > Code Injection.
    2. Scroll down to the "Header" section and paste the code above.
    3. Replace /store/category with the actual path of the category page you want to send visitors to.
        if (window.location.pathname === '/store') {
         window.location.href = '/store/category';



    Thank you so much!

  2. 1 hour ago, Ziggy said:

    Try this Custom CSS:

    @media only screen and (min-width:940px) {
      .sqs-block-accordion .accordion-items-container {
        columns: 2;
        -webkit-columns: 2;
        -moz-columns: 2;

    Right, it split it into two columns, but everything else is messed up. I don't think I have the energy or the expertise to fix it. Been working on my main product list for the last 72 hours. Thanks anyway.

  3. In my accordion, I have a description, which is a clickable hyperlink. The problem is that only the description text itself is clickable, not the entire line that the description is in.

    Is there a way to make the entire line clickable?

    Take a look at my URL. Notice how hovering the description line is not clickable unless you hover the description text itself.


  4. @sydneyg

    Here you go:

    /* Opening Remarks */
    #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(1) .accordion-item__dropdown, #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(1) .accordion-icon-container,
    /* Coffee Breaks */
    #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(4) .accordion-item__dropdown, #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(4) .accordion-icon-container,
    #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(10) .accordion-item__dropdown, #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(10) .accordion-icon-container,
    /* Lunch */
    #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(7) .accordion-item__dropdown, #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(7) .accordion-icon-container,
    /* Closing Remarks */
    #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(13) .accordion-item__dropdown, #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(13) .accordion-icon-container,
    /* Networking Cocktails */
    #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(14) .accordion-item__dropdown, #block-d336c4f5471b3b8037bc li:nth-child(14) .accordion-icon-container {
    	display: none !important;


  5. In the next update, without using custom code, it would be nice to:

    1. Be able to set a custom speed for scrolling marquee. Sometimes 0.5x is not slow enough and 2x not fast enough.

    2. Have more design options for scrolling marquee (not just linear and wave). For example, angled, circular, L-shape, or any shape, etc. 

    3. Be able to display an image or text at an angle.

    4. Be able to upgrade blog posts from 7.0 to 7.1

    5. Be able to display social icons with custom links anywhere on the site. For example, a business with 100 team members has an individual team page for each team member. Each team member would like to display an instagram icon that links to their personal instagram profile. Can't.

    6. Be able to force mobile nav menu on desktop.

    7. Have some creative link hover effects.

    8. Have some creative text effects on scroll.

    9. Have a much faster site-wide Search. For example, on Apple's website, it's instantaneous.

    10. Be able to upload static or animated SVG logo to header.

    11. Be able to upload SVG, PDF, WebP, HEIC files to Asset Library and be able to display them anywhere on the site.

  6. 7 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    Add to Code Injection > Footer

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
        $('<a href="/search" class="custom-search"><i class="fa-solid fa-magnifying-glass"></i></a>').insertBefore('.header-burger');
      a.custom-search {
        margin-right: 20px;
        display: inline-block;



    Hi Tuan, thank you for the code. One slight visual issue though.

    It looks fine on desktop, but on mobile, the spacing is a little off.

    This is the original without the code:




    And this is with the code:



    Would it be possible to have it look as close to the original as possible?


    As always, thank you for your time.

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