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Everything posted by AndreiGh

  1. That code retrieves the floating cart icon, not the actual cart contents, on the "cart" page (the products added in the cart, the "checkout" button) <-- these cart HTML is the one I want to modify (the DIVs with class cart-container, cart-summary). Thank you !
  2. Hello, At the moment of $(document).ready(..., the Cart is not loaded, below is the page HTML. So the cart is rendered by some next-to-run Javascript. I need to run own Javascript code *after* the Cart has been rendered. How can I do that ? Should I wait after some custom event ? Thank you ! <div class="system-page"> <div id="sqs-cart-root"> <script type="application/json"> {"cart":{...CART_CONTENTS_AS_JSON.}} </script> <div id="sqs-cart-container"></div> </div> </div>
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