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Everything posted by Iwan

  1. Hi @bangank36, thanks for your help. No, it's the space between "Be all you came here to be..." and the sentence below it: "Close the gap between..."
  2. Thank you @tuanphan it's this page, top image https://beige-oleander-mp66.squarespace.com/about password tuansqsp
  3. @tuanphan hi tuan, could you help here too, please? when i upload an image, it's very zoomed in on sqsp...i need to zoom back so that more of the original image shows?
  4. Hi @tuanphan I'm trying to reduce the padding between my homepage top section main header and the text underneath it can you please ehlp? https://beige-oleander-mp66.squarespace.com/ password tuansqsp
  5. Hi @tuanphan how do I apply the uploaded font to my headings ONLY?
  6. @christyprice Hi Christy, hope you're able to help? @tuanphan assisted with a code to bring the buttons into the same horizontal, but now there is now space under the buttons so they sit the same distance as the titles from the top border? Please?
  7. Hi @tuanphan, is there a CSS to reduce the padding around one specific text block? Please?
  8. Hi Tuan, yes, but please see attached...the buttons now sit right on the edge of the boxes...I need there to be space under the buttons...as much space between the titles and the top of the boxes, please
  9. Hi @bangank36, I hope you're willing to help? On my homepage ,main title I'd like to animate one of the words, is this possible?
  10. Thank you @tuanphan 🤩 You're great. One last question, how do I move the caption text closer to the bottom border of the image/video?
  11. Hi @tuanphan, I figured out the problem... For the pages where I have inserted the header code injection to change the colour of the footer, it disables the background of the sections on that page where I've applied an ART background... So on my ABOUT page https://beige-oleander-mp66.squarespace.com/about I want the white footer...but now I can apply the ART function to any of the sections... And on my SPEAKING page https://beige-oleander-mp66.squarespace.com/speaking I want a white footer, but if I insert the code I lose the ART background in the quote section... Can you help? How do I insert the footer colour change code but also be able to use ART background effect?
  12. Tuan, you are amazing. Thank you! Thank you! This works!! One last thing on this, how do you make the caption text sit closer to the bottom border of the image/video? Please?
  13. Thank you, on the homepage of https://beige-oleander-mp66.squarespace.com/ The caption text under the image in the middle of the page... password tuansqsp ALSO, please see below that...there are three list blocks next to each other...I need the buttons on the same horizontal so all three blocks look the same and are lined up? Please Tuan.
  14. Hi @tuanphan, please can you help I need to change the font style and font family of my IMAGE CAPTIONS and VIDEO CAPTIONS to DIN CONDENSED...please help? https://beige-oleander-mp66.squarespace.com/ password tuansqsp
  15. Hi @Jia, the code injection in the advanced header section of my page to change the colour of the footer background isn't working...please help?? It was working, now it isn't...
  16. PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP ME I HAVE BEEN TRYING FOR 4 WEEKS!!! Hi, please, I am trying to change the font family of my video and image CAPTIONS...I've tried everything...I cannot get it right...I need to change the font family to DIN CONDENSED... https://beige-oleander-mp66.squarespace.com/ password sqsp
  17. @tuanphan are you able to help please? I've been trying for 4 weeks to get this right....
  18. Yes! Just got it right. But Tuan, how do I change the font of my video and image captions to DIN CONDENSED please??
  19. Hi @tuanphan or @christyprice, I'm trying all of the above CSS codes to change my navigation bar and drop down menu...nothing works...please can you help? I need my navigation menu and drop down menu to be DIN CONDENSED https://beige-oleander-mp66.squarespace.com/ password tuansqsp
  20. @tuanphan I still need help please, my buttons do not line up. Also, please can you help me change the font family of my image and video captions - as well as my header navigation menu items...they all need to be DIN CONDENSED... Thank you!
  21. ps: @christyprice because one of my list items has a title that spreads over 2 lines...
  22. @christyprice Hi Christy, thanks for the above...I just tried this...but now my buttons are not on the same horizontal?? 🙂 Please advise a fix?
  23. Hi @tuanphan Help please 🙂 I'm trying the above, simply to make my navigation menu items font DIN CONDENSED. I tried all the CSS codes, it's not working? https://beige-oleander-mp66.squarespace.com/ password tuansqsp
  24. Hi Tuan, hope your weekend is good. Thank you for always getting back to me. I've actually sorted the issue, thank you.
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