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Everything posted by visual_ess

  1. Amazing! Worked perfectly and so easy! Thank you so much!!
  2. Hey! I have added a background video to homepage of the website I have a vertical version of the video that I would like as the background video for mobile. Can anybody show me how it is possible to add 2 different videos please. Thanks so much
  3. Amazing thank you! This worked 🙂
  4. https://ladybug-dodecahedron-fyyy.squarespace.com/articles password: spectrum
  5. Hey, I am building a website for somebody and they have asked whether it is possible to take payments with the option to change this amount for each client they have? For example: Client 1: total cost £300 Deposit: £150 first link payment amount: £150 - second link payment amount: £150 Client 2: total cost £100 Deposit: £50 first link payment amount: £50 - second link payment amount: £50 Not sure if I have explained this very well. I am sure PayPal gives this option, I was just wondering if theres a more user friendly way? Thanks, Sarah
  6. Hi, I'd like all the images in my blog grid to have a solid black drop shadow. I can't figure out the code to get this to work. Could anybody help please? Thanks. Sarah
  7. Thank you for your reply. Interesting! That's so annoying! 😞
  8. Hi, I have the advanced payment plan on Squarespace. This allows me to use the subscription feature. I am having trouble figuring out the most efficient/user friendly solution to offer a way to purchase a subscription with an incentive like get 10% off the product if purchasing as a subscription and also to have an option to just add the product to bag and purchase individually. Could anybody help me with the best solution? TIA Sarah
  9. Website: www.visual-ess.com Font: Beaches and cream I have the custom font beaches and cream installed and noticed it doesn't appear on mobile. The code: //* CUSTOM FONTS *// @font-face { font-family: 'Beaches And Cream'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6212ab3874544343916c7031/t/65651dfd6eae2905b0c3564b/1701125629911/BeachesAndCream.otf); } .sqsrte-small {font-family: 'BeachesAndCream' !important; font-size:70px; letter-spacing:1px; line-height:140%; }
  10. Hey thank you so much for this!! I done it this way, and achieved what I wanted.
  11. www.visual-ess.com password: 2023
  12. Thank you both for your replies. Yes Lesum, I wanted to keep 'what people are saying' side fixed, while being able to have the testimonials on the other side. Maybe have a slide of different text boxes? Does anybody have suggestions on how i could do this?
  13. Hey, Password: 2023 Does anybody know how to do a split section where you can put text on both sides? I have the code to do split section with image on one side and text on the other. But I was wondering if it was possible to do background image with text title over it. And then text on the right side (please see attached for what I want it to look like, and then a screenshot of what I have). Also, does anybody know if it is possible to do build a section like the one below? I'd possibly like the review to slide to the next review?
  14. You're amazing. Thank you so much!!!
  15. Hi thank you so much for your response. My password is: 2023. I have block ID for the text boxes I want to add it to, but don't know how to add the block ID into the code. The page is the homepage. Thank you!
  16. I have created text with a white background, but wanted a black drop shadow to appear behind this. (not on the text inside the background colour). (please see visual-ess.com for an example of what i want it to look like, and image attached. I have attached image of what I can get it to look like). I would like it for different headings throughout the website (not an image block). I have found codes for image block drop shadow, but can't seem to find one for text with background. Thank you
  17. Site URL: https://themomplug.squarespace.com/ I created a mock-up of how I wanted a navigation bar to look with bordered outline. I can't seem to find a code to do this, I can only achieve second screenshot. Does anybody know how to create the navigation bar in first screenshot? Thanks!
  18. I have created a contact form and wanted to add a drop-down list of countries which you could then pick your city from another list of cities in a drop-down in SquareSpace. Does anybody know how to do this? TIA!
  19. Hi, I am looking to do this exact same thing. Was it ever solved?
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