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Everything posted by AshM13

  1. @paul2009 To add the discount, do you need a certain plan? My client is on the commerce plan. They haven't purchased a digital add-on for member area yet. We are trying to decide which plan will be best and if you need a certain level to offer the discount. Thanks!
  2. @tuanphan or @paul2009 I tried to target the section with the following code but it's not working. Maybe it's different with Fluid Engine? It was able to adjust when inspected (see screenshot) but can't figure out the code to target what I need. section[data-section-id="6526d7f6efd454325ca2750d"] .content-wrapper { padding-top:0px !important; } Any suggestion would be super appreciated!
  3. Hi there, I am working on a site and I am trying to place an image block at the top of the page (so it rests along the bottom of the header). I do not want space between the header (on mobile or desktop) and the image. In the Editor, it looks like this design has been achieved , but when I review on Chrome there is a space. Please see attached screenshots. URL: https://heidihulbigtherapy.com/services-ash-talk Any ideas on what could be causing this AND?/OR how to adjust with CSS? Thanks so much! Ash
  4. Update to this. I had to remove the italics (font-style) for it work. It keep breaking when I added it. Any thoughts?
  5. Hi @tuanphan I perviously added the following code to my site and it worked until recently. ++++++++++++++++++ .user-items-list-item-container .list-item-content__title { font-family: Lora; font-style: italic !important; } ++++++++++++++++++ Lora is a preloaded SS font that I want to appear as the list item title. Lora is my heading font in the SS editor. It may be worth noting that I have uploaded a custom font (New York) for my H1, H2 and H3. This is the font that is currently loading (see screenshot). I would like to switch it to Lora. Website: https://heidihulbigtherapy.com/ Thank you! +++++++++++++++++++ This may or may not be helpful. I used the following code to upload NY and make H4 (which is Lora) italic. //font// @font-face { font-family: 'New York'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fee838678965c3d27c03d17/t/6212b7b7d437b3711dbb9051/1645393847629/NewYork.otf)} h1,h2,h3{ font-family: 'New York', OpenSans !important;} h4{font-style:italic !important}
  6. Hi! I'm working on a site and I am trying to change the product title on the product page. It is currently H1 and I would like it to be H4. I am using a custom font for H1, H2 and H3 and Lora for H4 (a preloaded SS font). However the Lora font recently stopped working in some places on my site. I tried to following code to adjust the product title on the product page: ++++++++++++ .ProductItem .ProductItem-details .ProductItem-details-title { font-family: Lora; font-size: 1rem! important; } ++++++++++++ Website: https://heidihulbigtherapy.com/therapy-resources-shop/p/save-it-for-therapy-journal @paul2009 @tuanphan or anyone else, I would love your thoughts/suggestions. Thank you!
  7. hi @paul2009 Is there a way to change the copy on the subscription confirmation page? I want to change the subscription minimum to 3 months for example vs. being able to cancel at anytime. I also want to change the default site name (which is long for SEO purposes) to Brewster Book Store. Website: https://bookstore.squarespace.com/ PW: readme I would also like to change it on the checkout page. See attached screenshots. Thanks so much!
  8. https://www.ashandaircreative.com/portfolio-update @tuanphan Try this one, please!
  9. @Summit227 thanks for the suggestion. Why HTML? I've already identified the block id.
  10. Hi there, I am trying to adjust the width of my text highlight on my homepage. The built in editor allows you to bump up the stroke to 1em. I would like it to be a bit thinker. I was able to test in the Chrome inspector, set width to 1.2em, and it looks great (see screenshot). However, when I add the below code to my custom CSS, it does not work. I tried adding an !important tag as well, but still nothing. Any thoughts? -------------------- website: sunshinelivinghomes.com password: $un$hine23 -------------------- #block-1123c61b59a900987d21 .TextShape-node { stroke-width: 1.2em; margin-top: -5px; } -------------------- Thanks!
  11. Thank you @tuanphan! I will test and let you know. Appreciate it!
  12. @tuanphan I am running into the same issue with the fluid engine portfolio page layout. URL: ashandaircreative.com/portfolio-udpdate I tried changing the animation from slide to to scale and increased the animation speed to medium, but the new portfolio section I created still takes too long to load, in my opinion. I would love to have the site-wide animation set to a slow speed and slide, but turn it off on my update portfolio page. Please note when reviewing, the page linked in navigation is not the page I am talking about. That is the old one I am hoping to swap out with the one I am creating. Thanks so much!
  13. Hi there, I am trying to align the buttons on a few pages of my site. I would like the buttons to be aligned with the other buttons in that section, regardless of the content in the column. See attached screenshots. These are the pages: https://www.westendskincare.com/facials https://www.westendskincare.com/advanced-skincare-treatments https://www.westendskincare.com/hair-removal https://www.westendskincare.com/packages I tired using the below code (on the facials page) but it is not working. Any suggestions? @media screen and (min-width:641px) {#collection-605105ce98128e2f5856d180 button {display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } Also tried this to target the section: @media screen and (min-width:641px){section[data-section-id="605105ce98128e2f5856d184"] .button {display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } Thank you!
  14. Hi @tuanphan! Any chance you could provide the CSS to make the images in my carousel slider larger on mobile? I'm having a hard time identifying the selector for the image. Screenshot is attached. Website: https://www.ashandaircreative.com I tired the following: @media screen and (max-width:991px) { #section[data-section-id="63e277c78e55d75980e673b3"] .user-items-list-carousel {width: 50% !important; height: auto !important; } } Thanks!
  15. @tuanphan Thank you so much! It's working and looks great!
  16. Thank you @tuanphan! I uploaded the font file again and the issue was resolved.
  17. Hi there @tcp13, I am running into the same issue. It is appearing on desktop, but not mobile. Any suggestions? I just added the bit "format('opentype');" per your suggestion above, but it unfortunately didn't fix the issuse. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ULR: https://www.ashandaircreative.com/ @font-face { font-family: 'Sophillia'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e2a0c24a601f10901a27e9d/t/5fa1a2bdcba0b51a3787ef38/1604428478006/Sophillia.otf') format('opentype'); } h1,h2 { font-family: 'Sophillia'; }
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