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Everything posted by jmcg

  1. Hi! I just added the 'Bulletins' button to the heading navigation here: https://www.saintandrewpasadena.org/. I can't get it formatted to match the other heading links in the smaller white font. Any tips?
  2. As an update I was able to get this resolved with the following steps: use jQuery to insert a break before the 6th nav item. $('.Header-nav-inner>a:nth-child(6)').before('<br>');
  3. Thanks @tuanphan for taking a look! On my laptop it's rendering like this (attached). Would you have any suggestions for forcing all the tan buttons on that second line?
  4. Site URL: https://www.saintandrewpasadena.org/ The previous webmaster applied custom css and I'm not able to currently fix the button issues we're having. I want the tan buttons to all appear on one line underneath the black links in the secondary nav. Any tips on how to accomplish this?
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