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The social icon's alignment in the header is messed up, are they not supposed to be side by side as default?
I can't manage to change the image in the footer for the link either.
Any help?
css code for the logo in the header:
//Discord logo
.icon--fill:nth-of-type(2) {
svg {
background-image: url(;
background-size: 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
You can try adding to Home > Design > Custom Css
/*Hide navigator on mobile*/
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.header-actions--right,.header-actions-action--social {
display: block !important;
.header-burger {
display: none;
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My social links are appearing as a menu button in the mobile version. I'd either just like to show the twitter logo as a button or hide it all together. As there's no point just having a whole menu for one single social icon.
I tried using CSS but its not responsive at all.