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  1. LeauxFi's post in Mobile Gallery Slideshow Extend Height was marked as the answer   
    did you fix this? if not I think we could brute force it to work. The issue I see is... you wanted it to display more like a portrait/vertical-oriented picture, but its a horizontal/landscape picture. We could just make a portrait version of the pic real quick,  and use css to hide the landscape version on mobile. And also use css to hide the portrait version on desktop. 
    Unless you fixed it then just ignore me lol.
  2. LeauxFi's post in Wanting list item images to be greyscale until button hover was marked as the answer   
    Sure, so when you want to target a specific section or block, use the ID Finder and put it BEFORE the code you use. Then use the { } to hold the code as usual. So in short itll look like  Section/Block { entire code }
    In this example, I'll use a block from my own site and it would look like:
    //GREYSCALE MOUSEOVER ON SPECIFIC SECTION SIMPLE LIST section[data-section-id="6635cc2fb4f49d34d81efa34"] { .list-item-media { transition: all 1s; filter:grayscale(1); } .list-item:hover .list-item-media {transition: all 1s; filter:grayscale(0)!important; } @media only screen and(max-width:640px){ .list-item-media{ filter:grayscale(0)!important; } } } Let me know if this works
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