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Everything posted by Tommyhiggs

  1. <main> <script type="text/javascript" id=""> var __dispatched__ = {}, __i__ = self.postMessage && setInterval(function() { if (self.PrivacyManagerAPI && __i__) { var b = { PrivacyManagerAPI: { action: "getConsentDecision", timestamp: (new Date).getTime(), self: self.location.host } }; self.top.postMessage(JSON.stringify(b), "*"); __i__ = clearInterval(__i__) } }, 50); self.addEventListener("message", function(b, a) { try { if (b.data && (a = JSON.parse(b.data)) && (a = a.PrivacyManagerAPI) && a.capabilities && "getConsentDecision" == a.action) { var d = self.PrivacyManagerAPI.callApi("getGDPRConsentDecision", self.location.host).consentDecision; d && d.forEach(function(c) { __dispatched__[c] || (self.dataLayer && self.dataLayer.push({ event: "GDPR Pref Allows " + c }), __dispatched__[c] = 1) }) } } catch (c) {} }); </script> <div class="templates theme-dark-background" data-component-name="templates" data-component-id="7" data-reveal-parent="" data-scrolled-into-view="true" data-scrolled-past-view="false" data-has-intersected="true"> <div class="templates__wrapper"> <div class="templates__templates-container"> <div class="templates__goals-container" data-reveal-self="" data-scrolled-into-view="true" data-scrolled-past-view="false" data-has-intersected="true"> <ol class="templates__goals-list"> <li style="--reveal-delay: calc(2 * 0.05s);"> <a class="templates__goal-link" href="/templates" property="item" typeof="WebPage" data-template-category="local-business" data-identifier="local-business" data-section="templates"> <span property="name">Branding <aside>→</aside> </span> </a> </li> <li style="--reveal-delay: calc(3 * 0.05s);"> <a class="templates__goal-link" href="/templates" property="item" typeof="WebPage" data-template-category="portfolio" data-identifier="portfolio" data-section="templates"> <span property="name">3D Visuals<aside>→</aside> </span> </a> </li> <li style="--reveal-delay: calc(4 * 0.05s);"> <a class="templates__goal-link" href="/templates" property="item" typeof="WebPage" data-template-category="blog" data-identifier="blog" data-section="templates"> <span property="name">Typographic <aside>→</aside> </span> </a> </li> <li style="--reveal-delay: calc(5 * 0.05s);"> <a class="templates__goal-link" href="/templates" property="item" typeof="WebPage" data-template-category="restaurant" data-identifier="restaurant" data-section="templates"> <span property="name">Publication <aside>→</aside> </span> </a> </li> <li style="--reveal-delay: calc(6 * 0.05s);"> <a class="templates__goal-link" href="/templates" property="item" typeof="WebPage" data-template-category="services" data-identifier="services" data-section="templates"> <span property="name">Digital <aside>→</aside> </span> </a> </li> <li style="--reveal-delay: calc(7 * 0.05s);"> <a class="templates__goal-link is-active" href="/templates" property="item" typeof="WebPage" data-template-category="personal-cv" data-identifier="personal-cv" data-section="templates"> <span property="name">Lab <aside>→</aside> </span> </a> </li> </ol> </div> <div class="templates__images"> <div class="templates__image is-loaded is-active" role="img" aria-label="Desktop version of the Suhama template." tabindex="0" data-template-category="personal-cv" style="background-image: url(&quot;https://media-www.sqspcdn.com/images/components/templates/desktop/suhama-2-2500w.jpg&quot;);"> <img data-load="false" data-use-bg-image="true" data-size-format="filename" data-image-dimensions="2331x1458" data-src="https://media-www.sqspcdn.com/images/components/templates/desktop/suhama-2.jpg" style="display: none;" class="" data-image-resolution="2500w" alt="Desktop version of the Suhama template."> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> </main> <style> *, :before, :after { -webkit-box-sizing: inherit; 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  2. I could make it more or less work but I don´t know how to link my images, when I change the url it doesn´t work. Could anyone help me to see what I am doing wrong: Thanks,
  3. Hi everyone, I trying to do the same concept of the current website of squarespace. There is a left side links that when you hover the text it shows an image in the right side. Source: https://www.squarespace.com/ Thanks,
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