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Everything posted by aaaallleeexx

  1. Hello! Squarekicker extension installed here. And, I have this point of massive frustration as I don't know how to move forward. Can you PLEASE help me? I made a sticky split with multiple sections, anchored to a text section. Whenever I go down on the list, the page scrolls to the anchored section, but whenever I try to go up on the list, the scroll doesn't work and I'm stuck on the anchor I last chose. - it's also used in combination with sticky blocks so the sections overlap - I don't know if there's a problem over there - but it seems to work fine overall and I can't understand why it's jamming on the way up. It makes more sense when you try it out: website: https://alexcoman.squarespace.com/work/commercial password: parola1 Massive thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! forever grateful
  2. I found the burger menu code: /* Menu text to burger */ #mobileMenuLink ul>li.active-link { visibility: hidden; } #mobileMenuLink ul>li.active-link a:before { visibility: visible; content: ""; background-image: url(); width: 30px; height: 30px; display: block; margin-right: 5px !important; background-position: right center; background-repeat: no-repeat; float: right; margin-top: 5px; } /* Burger to X icon */ .menu-open + div #mobileMenuLink ul>li.active-link a:before { background-image: url() !important; filter: invert(1); } Does anyone know how to format the menu similar to this? or how to format the text of the wells mobile menu in anyway?! Thanks!!
  3. I made a clearer idea of what I desire. First - I want to add a burger view like in this wells template website: Second - I would like to change the color to my desired color - as in this wells template website: Third - I would like to format my menu so the 'folder' category and text is more legible: from this: to this: Thank you so much !!
  4. hello! I'm interested in exactly the same thing - using the code I got the same problems? how can I solve this? www.alexcomansn.com @media screen and (max-width:640px) { div#mobileNav { background: white; height: 450px !important; } } #mobileNav li { a { color: hsl(0, 0%, 0%) !important; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.3em !important; } &.active-link a { font-weight: 700 !important; } } /* mobile items size */ #mobileNav a { font-size: 10px !important; }
  5. Site URL: http://www.alexcomansn.com Hello! I'm trying to make the menu on mobile a bit more visible. Right now from my analytics i see people remain on my home page only. Therefore - 01: is there a way to make the mobile menu always on? 02: is there a way to modify the menu to make it more legible. Bold the folder name / remove those lines? Thank you!
  6. Hello! did anyone figure this one out? Thanks!!
  7. thanks for this! I did exactly that, but i do like the functionality of the gallery itself and being able to jump from thumbnail into prev full next layout... I was thinking maybe there is a way to enable a default viewing mode
  8. Hello! I'm using wells and right now the gallery page comes as default in thumbnail view. It is possible to change that default behavior to full screen? Much appreciated, Alex
  9. you are ace! thank you!
  10. Site URL: http://www.lucasjharger.com/ Hello! I'm trying to make a gallery which looks like http://www.lucasjharger.com/ exactly the same composition more or less. with images edge to edge. It is possible in squarespace without extra code? The website I give the example from it's made with squarespace as far as I can check. Thanks!
  11. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! adding just 1 picture at the time any updates about this? I'm wasting time big time. I'm ready to go to cargocollective again..
  12. Hello, late reply here but here you go you add the code by going to the menu page on the left. on that portfolio page right side of it there's that settings button - click on it - go to advance and inject code thereby replacing those stuff. that code is for portfolio grid tho other code works with portfolio hover, just FYI
  13. I solved it with this code yesss " <script> (function(){ window.addEventListener('load', function() { var link = document.querySelector('a[href="REPLACEYOURPATH"]'); link.href = 'https://INSERTYOURLINK'; }) })() </script> "
  14. Hello! thanks so much for the code: It works perfectly for the hoover portfolio style page. But I want to have the same redirection with a "grid portfolio" .class="portfolio-grid-overlay grid-wrapper collection-content-wrapper" I tried changing the code. instead of the element 'portfolio-hover-item' I can see i front of href there is a 'grid-item' class. I can't make it redirect. Can you please help me out?! lemon-decagon-yy2w.squarespace.com password: help Much appreciaqted!!
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