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Everything posted by RGCreative

  1. Hello! Starting on a project soon with a photographer who is committed to Squarespace but has been admiring the Pixieset templates. In particular some of the testimonial layouts. I expect what's required is beyond my coding abilities so just wondering if anyone knows of any tutorials or plugins that might achieve something like these layouts please? Thanks for your help!
  2. Hello @tuanphan So sorry, I must have missed your reply! Thank you for getting back to me on this - much appreciated. Yes - as per your message above - that's right. 1. Looking to achieve a blank page on the head artists category. 2. Add a space below the category scroll bar on mobile. + Sorry, I now have one more query relating to the scroll bar... 3. We have now published the site, and the scroll bar does not immediately appear, only when you hover on the category section, so it is not obvious that you can scroll. Is it possible to have the scroll bar appear on page load? Thanks so much in advance for your help here. Rebecca
  3. Hi! Couple of queries relating to a store setup for an art gallery. 1. The store's collection includes the category 'Artists' and then subcategories for each artist (image attached). Is there a way to not have all of the products display when the top category 'Artists' is selected - just a blank page displaying until you click into a subcategory? 2. In mobile view, I'd like to create some space below the category (and sub-category) scroll bar as it appears right on top of the products at present. See attached image. URL: https://red-ruby-y9nn.squarespace.com/ Pass: artwork Thanks in advance for any help, much appreciated!
  4. Hi @CorinnaR Sorry for the slow reply. This is the code injection I found for the autoplay. Hope that works! <!--beyondspace autoplay Hover Portfolio start--> <script> (function(){ window.addEventListener('load', () => { setTimeout(() => { beyAutoPlayPortfolio(3000); // change the speed of transition }, 3000); // 3000 milliseconds (3 seconds) delay }); })(); function beyAutoPlayPortfolio(e) { let t = document.querySelectorAll(".portfolio-hover-items-list > li"); if (t.length > 1) { let o = new Event("mouseenter"), l = null, r = function () { let i = document.querySelector('.portfolio-hover-item[data-active="true"]').closest("li").nextElementSibling; i || (i = t[0]), i.querySelector("a").dispatchEvent(o), l = setTimeout(r, e); }; r(); t.forEach(e => { e.querySelector("a").addEventListener("mouseenter", function (e) { e.isTrusted && clearTimeout(l); }); e.querySelector("a").addEventListener("mouseleave", function (e) { e.isTrusted && r(); }); }); } } </script> <!--beyondspace autoplay Hover Portfolio end-->
  5. Hello! Could do with some help making some changes to product detail pages please. 1. I'd like to introduce a line at the top and bottom of the product detail section. I've managed to add a line at the bottom using the product 'additional info' function (see attached) but this is a time consuming way to go about it for each product. Hoping there's an easy css fix to add it to both top and bottom of the section? 2. Also, I've been playing with the product image arrows but they're not quite as I'd like them. Ideally, I'd like them to match those on the gallery slideshow (see attached) I have on the homepage - just a bit smaller and neater. URL: https://red-ruby-y9nn.squarespace.com/ Pass: artwork Thanks in advance for any help, much appreciated!
  6. @tuanphan Hello! Yes, all resolved. Really happy with it. Thanks!
  7. That's looking great - thanks so much!
  8. Hi @Ziggy Thanks so much for this - and apologies for the slow reply, I had to put this project down for a few weeks. The CSS has helped the positioning but it's not aligning perfectly. Ideally I'd like the navigation to align with 'aesthetics and beyond' in the logo. It also looks like navigation on the left is aligning differently to the social and button on the right. Is there a way of perhaps targeting the padding on the navigation, social and button that might help?
  9. Hi @tuanphan I have just used your above code to create a portfolio grid in mobile view (using background hover for desktop). Couple of issues though that I was hoping you might be able to help resolve please? 1. The portfolio images and titles have muddled so the wrong titles are sat below the wrong images. 2. I would love the custom mobile view to appear more like grid hover if it's possible. With the images all appearing landscape, same size. And the titles sitting over the images centrally with an opacity overlay so they show more clearly. Website is: https://www.rebeccagaunt.co.uk/portfolio Any help you can offer, hugely appreciated. Thank you.
  10. Hi, This is working great on desktop - thank you! As above, looking for the same solution for mobile. Any help with this much appreciated.
  11. Hi, Would really appreciate some help with the way the portfolio collection page is displaying in mobile view please. Website: https://www.rebeccagaunt.co.uk/portfolio The titles that wrap onto two lines aren't displaying centrally for some reason? Secondly, I introduced some script to autoplay through the items, with background image changing each time, which works great in desktop but doesn't seem to work in mobile view. Thanks in advance for any help with this.
  12. Hi, sorry I missed that bit! Here you go... https://tarantula-duck-xlnn.squarespace.com/
  13. Hello, I'm hoping to find a way to vertically align the header navigation, social links, and book now button with the bottom line of the logo which reads 'aesthetics and beyond'. Site password is: aesthetics Thanks in advance for any help with this. Much appreciated.
  14. Hello, I have just introduced a full bleed, autoplay gallery on the homepage (having realised the autoplay script I was using for a banner slideshow wouldn't work on the personal plan). Looks great on desktop but displaying portrait rather than landscape on mobile. Plus ideally I would like the arrows display as they do on the banner slideshow (see section below). Grateful for any advice on this please. Thanks in advance. Password for the site: magpie
  15. Perfect - thanks ever so much.
  16. This is working great - thank you so much! Only thing is the navigation arrows are now sitting centrally on the mobile view. I sheer a way to shift them to the sides like on the desktop view?
  17. Sorry, just sorted this - thank you. Password is: magpie https://tangerine-pug-hblb.squarespace.com
  18. Hi there, Have a homepage banner slideshow - it's display height is large and it looks great on desktop. But on mobile I would like the height to display small. Grateful for any advice on how to adjust this. Thanks! https://tangerine-pug-hblb.squarespace.com
  19. Thank you so much - this worked perfectly! Much appreciated
  20. Site URL: https://www.wyndward.co.uk Hi, Squarespace newbie here after some help please. Building this site from a template and looking to reduce the space between the homepage image and text below. I've tried this code but it didn't work: .sqs-block.image-block { padding: 0px !important; }
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